Yuva Bharati October 2011

Vol.39 No.3 Aashwin-Kartik 5113 October 2011 D.15/-

Editorial Highlights Kanyakumari Activities Activity chart Prant report VK Schools report Project reports Trusts & foundations

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V.Senthil Kumar

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Yuva bharati - 1 - October 2011

Vivekananda KENDRA SAMACHAR 2010 – 2011


'Jagrat' – the Need of the Hour 'Jagrat' is a very powerful word in Sanskrit literature. The nearest equivalent in English may be 'alertness' or 'vigilance'. This word occurs in our spiritual literature of very ancient times. The famous 'Katopanishad' exhorted: “Utthistata, Jagrat, Prapya Varan Nibodhata.' This has been freely rendered into English by Swami Vivekananda: “Arise! Awake!! Stop not till the goal is reached.” In both the original and the translation, the combination of words looks a bit odd. First comes arise and then comes awake. Normally the reverse should be the order. First you wake up and then rise up to start working. But in spiritual life it is different. It is after one has risen up, the question of right direction of moving ahead comes up. The choice of direction is very important. After rising up if you take a wrong direction the very purpose will be defeated. To take the right direction, an inner awakening is a prerequisite. It is this awakening that the Upanishad calls for. That can be achieved by sitting at the feet of the Acharya and listening to his words. After getting instructions from a proper Acharya, when one moves forward in the right direction, one is sure to reach the goal, provided one does not lose faith or become idle while traversing the difficult path of Sadhana which the same Upanishad compares to 'razor's edge'(khurasya dhara). So Jagrat is very important. There is a group of famous verses in Sanskrit end with the call which 'Tasmat Jagrat Jagrat,' “Therefore be alert, be vigilant.” For all who want to make progress, this is a crucial element, 'to be alert and vigilant.' Whether it is in the material field or in the spiritual field, this is equally applicable. If in a moment of weakness or due to lack of alertness, you take a false step, you might suffer an irreversible fall. Therefore an honest seeker, whether of material or spiritual success, has to be vigilant at every moment and at every step. This is true as much in the case of nations as much as in that of individuals. The times in which we live are such that Jagrat is absolutely decisive. The world is moving fast as never before. The rapidity and quantum of change that we witness are unparalleled in history. For ordinary men it is not even possible to comprehend what is really happening, before their very eyes. To keep pace with the change is a challenge for anyone, at any time. It is truly said “even to stand in the same place, you have to run very fast.” In this flux of time, to stand stationary is to invite certain death. One has to move forward and has to keep pace with the rapidly changing situation. For this, one has to run very fast while at the same time keeping one's feet firmly on the terra firma One should not get cut away from the root, because that is the source of all strength and nourishment. How these apparently contradictory things can be achieved is the challenge both individuals and nations are facing today. Bharat being an ancient nation with a deeply-rooted culture based on eternal values, this question is very crucial. But

Yuva bharati - 2 - October 2011

unlike many new-born nations we have ,also, got the answer to the question. As Swami Ranganathananda has put it: “We have the remedy for all the maladies we are confronted with.” But one should be very alert and very vigilant, if we are not to slip into irreversible mistakes. II That India has the remedies for all the maladies is not just by way of an accident. It is a hard won legacy attained by continued struggle against heavy odds. As the oldest surviving civilization, she has experienced every malady that history has thrown up and through her unique, mature wisdom found out and applied suitable remedies. Unlike China, an equally ancient civilization, India has been able to preserve her soul and protect her identity through all the vicissitudes of time. That is why when the American President Barack Obama recently visited India and addressed our Parliament, he said that India is not just a country but a civilization. His words are worth quoting: “My confidence in our shared future is grounded in the respect for India's treasured past – a civilization that has been shaping the world for thousands of years. Indians unlocked the intricacies of human body and the vastness of our universe. India not only opened our minds, she expanded our moral imagination.” So it is not only that India has in her possession the remedy for her own maladies but also for those the world is today afflicted with. Many of our political leaders and administrators seem to be totally unaware of this great treasure which India still possesses in spite of her thousand years old slavery. To become aware of this, to update it and to consciously apply it to her own national life and get cured of the maladies is the first step India has to take. Vigilance- Jagrat- becomes critically relevant in this context. If India is not just a country, but a civilization, then the question arises, what is that civilization? Swami Vivekananda has repeatedly reminded us that spirituality is the central idea around which the Indian civilization and culture have grown up. The mission of India is to manifest through her life, in every field, her National Soul, that is Spirituality. As Shri Aurobindo has famously put it “matter shall reveal the spirit.” The external life of India should be a true reflection of her inner spiritual Truth. India's economy, polity, art, culture and every other field should be inspired and shaped by the all-pervading spiritual idea. The leaders of our freedom movement, not only the spiritual and cultural luminaries like Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo, but also political leaders like Tilak and Gandhi, have repeatedly told that India's freedom does not end with political democracy. Political equality and social justice should be based on the fundamental principle that every individual is a spark of the Divine and as such there is no high and low among the citizens. India's democracy should be founded upon the recognition of “Divinity of Man” and not just on the “dignity of man” as in the western democracies. This is a cardinal principle which independent India should have kept before herself in all her endeavors to translate freedom into reality. But unfortunately it did not happen. So we find that in spite of a very enlightened and elaborate constitution, we have corrupt leaders, dishonest politicians, selfish capitalists

Yuva bharati - 3 - October 2011

and unscrupulous media men. The only remedy for this is to awaken the dormant Soulconsciousness of the nation. That is why the call for 'Jagrat' becomes not only relevant but also absolutely essential. Bharat, our Motherland, stretching from 'Devatatma Himalaya' to sacred Kanyakumari is the physical embodiment of 'Adi Shakti,' as Sri Aurobindo has pointed out. Every inch of the soil and every drop of water were considered sacred by our ancestors. The whole land was splattered with centers of pilgrimage to which there was incessant flow of pilgrims from one corner of the country to the other. The very smell of the earth was considered 'sacred' (punya gandha) and a holy dip in the rivers was considered sufficient to wash off all sins. We worshipped the entire Nature as our Mother. We never polluted her or destroyed her until recently when the mindless technological and industrial invasion from the West ensnared us. After having created insurmountable climatic and ecological problems, the West is now trying desperately to find ways and means for its very survival. It speaks of 'Earth Day' to be celebrated so that that day we may remember the need for saving our endangered planet. It is a tragedy that our own leaders have not had the wisdom to declare that for India, where every day used to be an 'Earth Day.' Earth is our beloved mother. The Vedas declared ages ago that “Mata Bhumi Putroham Prithvya:” - Earth is our mother and we are her children. It is this emotional bond and attachment that will create the mindset to preserve and protect our planet, and not more and more sophisticated technology which will again lead to more and more crises. It is in this critical situation that India has to come forward with her ancient and ever modern -- Sanatana -- wisdom and lead the world in the right direction. This can be achieved only if we are alert and vigilant. The call for Jagrat is our lifesaving Mantra. III Another major area which requires scrupulous attention is technology. Technology is making rapid strides. It is indeed a tribute to human ingenuity. But, technology is value neutral, whereas human beings who handle it are not so. Therefore it is important that new sophisticated technologies that are evolved should be utilized only for human welfare. Culture and technology can never be separated. In India when we invent or adopt new technologies we must bear in mind that it should be appropriate to the needs and requirements of our environment, natural and human resources and in tune with our cultural heritage and value system. In our craze for modernity if we blindly follow the Western paradigm, the result will be negative, and even disastrous. Scientists and politicians alone cannot appropriate to themselves the right to impose technologies over the people. There has been a demand that there should be a “technological ombudsman” consisting of people of wisdom and far-sightedness and who are committed to the long term welfare of the nation to decide what technology is appropriate for India. After the recent nuclear disaster in Japan, this has assumed very great relevance. In this context it is worth remembering that advanced countries like Germany have solemnly resolved to shut down all their nuclear installation and not to start any more in future. They have decided to reduce energy consumption to the extent possible and to explore renewable alternative sources.

Yuva bharati - 4 - October 2011

Should we go in for nuclear energy in a big way or should we tap other sources which are available and harmless? Right from ancient times India has been a country whose culture had great reverence for the 'Sun.' Sun is the source of all energy - physical, intellectual and spiritual. Solar energy is not only inexhaustible but available at all times. If proper policy decision is taken to tap solar energy, along with other natural sources of energy like wind, on a commercial scale, it will reduce the problem of energy to a large extent. Similarly, the question of interlinking of rivers, if it is planned and executed with imagination and determination, both the problems of acute water scarcity and frequent devastating floods can be tackled. For a country whose population is largely agricultural, these two concepts, tapping of solar energy and interlinking of rivers (so far these aspects were ignored) can be immensely beneficial. What is required is an imaginative leadership with initiative and dynamism. Moreover, such ideas will inspire the nation to work hard for a bright future. Another major area of concern, not only for India but for the whole world, is the problem of conflict between national integrity and divisive identities. The question of minorities clamoring for their 'pound of flesh' poses a threat to national integrity and cultural identity. This issue is being hotly debated all over the world, because it has given rise to violent conflicts between the majority and minority and even among the various caste, communal and racial identities. Secularism as understood in the West has not been able to provide a solution to this vexed problem. This poses a major threat to world peace. One of the solutions suggested is 'Multiculturalism' which means that people with various cultural identities should co-exist in peace and harmony. But as massive immigration takes place from outside and the native population dwindles in numbers, it is feared that secularism can end up in the marginalization of the original national population and domination by people from outside. India is facing this problem in ever increasing measures. Fast growing population of minority communities and their clamorous demands for more and more rights coupled with the 'vote bank politics' of most political parties are seriously disturbing the mind of the majority society. The ghost of 1947 partition of India is still haunting them. In many parts of India, the majority community is faced with a situation of large scale depletion of numbers along with alienation of landed property by foreign land money mafia with the help of their agents in the country. Slogans like secularism, multiculturalism, modernity etc. are only traps laid to deceive the majority into quietly accepting the ever growing political and economic clout of the so-called minority communities. Unless the Hindu society as a whole wakes up to the growing threat, the future can be greatly disadvantageous to them. As the famous saying goes 'eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.' So the call to be awake and alert is most relevant -- It is already a bit too late for the nationalist sections in India. IV India has a unique way of dealing with the onrush of modernity. She does not reject modernity or modernization. At the same time she does not get overwhelmed by it. She has a way of connecting modernity with tradition. To preserve what is eternal and

Yuva bharati - 5 - October 2011

unalterable in the tradition and to absorb and assimilate what is suitable in modernity is the way India has followed right from the very ancient times. This was achieved by interpreting the fundamental values in terms of changing circumstances. Society keeps on changing, evolving and progressing. That requires certain adjustments and revaluation of moral and ethical values. But spiritual values are eternal, Sanatana. When the times change, Sanatana Dharma has to be interpreted in terms of Yuga Dharma. Such interpretations are permissible only in our country and our culture. Swami Ranganathananda has beautifully stated that “eternal values must be adopted to suit the demands of changing society.” So this concept of Sanatana Dharma and Yuga Dharma functioning harmoniously has been the reason for the unbroken continuity of India's cultural vitality. Bold and vigorous interpreters have arisen time and again whenever the situation demanded. Such farsighted, selfless, spiritually advanced persons were called Rishis. At critical times we had Avatars also bringing about drastic changes in the society by rejuvenating Sanatana Dharma. They were social legislators and epoch makers. That is the uniqueness of our spiritually oriented national existence. Swami Vivekananda had reminded us that the present generation demands such Rishis to come up and legislate for changes required for modernity on the principle of Yuga Dharma. India is a 'miniature world' in itself. World today is in the throes of revolutionary changes. Unfortunately those who have the power to bring about healthy and necessary changes do not have the vision or wisdom to evaluate the pros and cons of the changes that are being brought about by various forces. All are in favor of development, but the current concept of development does not go beyond economic and other materialistic parameters. In their view development has no moral or spiritual content. The kind of development that we witness is lopsided. This leaves large sections of world population poorer and more miserable and benefit only a very small number who become immensely and unaccountably wealthy. This is bound to lead to large scale unrest if not remedied in time. India is also facing this problem. One of the visible signs of this lopsided development is large scale urbanization leaving the countryside high and dry. Rich countries become enviably richer and poor miserably poorer. India had always a balanced view of development. It was a harmonious adjustment among the welfare of forest-dwellers, the rural population, the small town inhabitants and those who live in the mega cities. Because everyone's interest was taken care of, the country prospered without unmanageable turbulence. British imperialism disturbed this balance, but unfortunately leaders of independent India did not qualitatively change the colonial policies and its social, economic and political approach. The result is that terrorist outfits like Maoists and Naxalites are threatening to break up the very fabric of our national unity. It is necessary to recognize that those who live in mountains and forests are not uncultured or unproductive people as the urban population imagine. Their identity has to be accepted and their growth should be assured without changing their cultural ethos while of course helping them to enjoy the benefit of modern facilities. The most sacred Gayatri Mantra by the Vedic Rishi Viswamitra is not only a hymn to be blindly chanted , but to be understood and applied in all its various dimensions including its energy value.

Yuva bharati - 6 - October 2011

It is pertinent to remember that our great culture has had its origin in the hermitages of renowned Rishis who lived in dense forests. Our Upanishads are the product of the ambiance provided by the calm peaceful and serene forest cover. We should not allow these to become hotbeds of antinational and violent outfits. Nation will be strong, healthy, and materially and spiritually progressive only when these diversities are appreciated and encouraged while maintaining the delicate balance between the various sections of our national population. That requires deep and sympathetic insight into our traditional approach which is all-inclusive and mutually respectful. The so-called modern Western civilization does not give any clue to this kind of integral and co-operative approach. Overwhelmed by such gigantic problems, one may be tempted to ask: “What is my role in all this? As an individual I am so insignificant while the problems are gigantic and global.” It is quite natural, but one should realize that every big change starts from the individual. It is one simple step that leads to other steps. It is one single lamp that lights other similar ones and creates a garland of lamps. Change always starts from the individual, who is self- confident, socially committed and charged with national pride. If India is to bring about the much needed change in the present world situation, every single patriotic individual imbued with India's cultural values will have to take up the responsibility. When, as Swami Vivekananda has said, “a hundred thousand men and women” come forward in this direction, the seemingly impossible task will certainly be achieved. Let each one listen to the call- “Arise, Awake and Stop not till the Goal is reached.” Let Jagrat be our watchword at this critical juncture of human evolution. Before concluding let us recall the poignant question posed by Swami Vivekananda to each one of us “The world is burning in misery; can you sleep?” It is in response to this call that everyone associated with Vivekananda Kendra has to dedicate his or her life as a supreme sacrifice. Vivekananda Kendra along with Vivekananda International has the responsibility , not only to our nation but to the international community as a whole, to rise up to the occasion and take up the challenges. We have the capability, if only we decide Tasmat Jagrat, Jagrat. -- P. Parameswaran / President

Yuva bharati - 7 - October 2011


KENDRA SHIKSHA SHIBIR INAUGURATION The 36 Kendra Shiksha Shibir with 21 Shikshartis (Life-worker trainees) began on 19th march 2011. The Shikshartis are from Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Gujarat, M.P., Maharashtra, Rajasthan, & U.P. These Shikshartis have completed their initial two years training with s e n i o r karyakartas. It was inaugurated on the auspicious occasion of Holi Purnima, by Shri. A. Balakrishnanji, All India VicePresident of Vivekananda Kendra who addressed the Shikshartis at Vivekananda Mandapam at Vivekananda Rock Memorial at Kanyakumari. Vivekananda Kendra is honored with the Bhaurao Deoras Sewa Samman - 2010-11. The ceremony was organized at Hapur in th U.P. (57 Km from Delhi) on 5 March 2011. Kum. Rekha Davey, Joint General Secretary, Vivekananda Kendra received it for Vivekananda Kendra. The award carried Rs 5 1 0 0 0 / (Rupees fifty one thousand o n l y ) & Samman Patra which was re a d o u t during the programme. The bronze statue of Devi Saraswati and the emblem of the Bhaurao Deoras Sewa Nyas also was presented. The award is felicitated for


outstanding work and relentless service in the field of Health and education of unprivileged. The venue was Smti Brahmadevi Saraswati Balika Vidya Mandir. The Chief Guest was Parama Pujya Vijay Kaushaji, a well known Sant. The programme was well organized and well attended. Kanyakumari Anna Pooja programme On 04.07.2010 at Kanyakumari 700 people p a r t i c i p a t e d i n t h e p ro g r a m m e . Jagatguru Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Swami of Kanchi Mutt graced the occasion and Anna Poorna Stotram and slokas from Vi s w a r o o p a Dharshan of Bhgavad Gita were chanted. D r. K o d a n d a Rama Rao handed over the rice to Shri D. Bhanudasji, Educational aids worth Rs.15, 500/- were also distributed to the poor students belonging to Tirunelveli, Ramanathapuram and Kanyakumari Districts which was sponsored by Shri Sreeganesh Nandagopal of Puttaparthi. Annadaanam was arranged to all the participants. The workers performed cultural programme on that evening. S w a m i B a b a R a m d e v Vi s i t e d Vi v e k a n a n d a R o c k M e m o r i a l Kanyakumari Yogi Shri Baba Ramdev Visited Vivekananda Rock Memorial and th Vivekanandapuram on 28 March 2011.He spent some time at Dhyan Mandapam on Vivekananda Rock

Yuva bharati - 8 - October 2011

Memorial and was enthralled after the visit. He visited Vi v e k a n a n d a p u r a m and had a meeting with Vivekananda Kendra Karyakartas for about 45 minutes. He vowed to spread the message of Swami Vivekananda and will be with Vivekananda Kendra in its great National work. New Ideal of Monasticism: A major contribution of Vivekananda to Hinduism is the rejuvenation and modernization of monasticism. In this new monastic ideal, followed in the Ramakrishna Order, The ancient principles of renunciation and God realization are combined with service to God in man (Shiva jnane jiva seva) Vivekananda elevated social service to the status of divine service. Arunachal Pradesh – Acharya Prashikshan Shibir for teachers; (July 2010) 31 teachers handling primary classes at Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Nirjuli, Vivek Vihar and Itanagar were called for non-residential Acharya Prashikshan Shibir at Vivek Vihar, Itanagar. Kumari Bratoti Bhattacharjee (Principal, VKV Vivek Vihar) and Sri Shyam Narayan Singh Yadav (Teacher, VKV Itanagar) demonstrated activity classes besides the sessions conducted by Sri. Vishwasji and Education Officers. Dr. Tejum Padu Dy. Director Higher Education AP graced the valedictory function as the Chief Guest.

Establishment of three new Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas in Arunachal Pradesh Vivekananda Kendra has started three more VKVs during the year 2010-11. 1. VKV Yingkiong: (July 2010) 2.VKV Changlang: (October 2010)3.VKV Tezu (February 2011) A three day management workshop was conducted by Sri Shirish Joshi, management consultant from Pune. Shri Balakrishnanji, Kum. Nivedita Bhide both Vice Presidents of VK, Shri Bhanudasji Gen. Secretary, Kum. Rekha Davey, Jt Gen. Secretary, Vivekananda Kendra and entire VKV AP Trust team along with Cluster I/Cs attended the workshop from 1 to 3 November 2010. VKSPV team and Prant Sanghatak of Assam also joined the workshop on the third day. VKV Sivasagar Assam Vi v e k a n a n d a K e n d r a Vi d y a l a y a Sivasagar was formally inaugurated and rd its classes started functioning from 3 May 2010 as 18th Vidyalaya of VKSPV. The Bhumi Pujan was solemnized on 14 March 2011 in a plot of land of 10 bighas donated by Smt. Purnima Barua, wife of Late Sri Amulya Kumar Barua. ONLINE CLASS, PUNE TO TINSUKIA Sri Satish Navale, newly joined teacher of Tinsukia VKV, arranged online class for students of class XI on 8 Feb, Saraswati Puja Diwas. Even though he is visually challenged, that did not hamper his enthusiasm to work.

Yuva bharati - 9 - October 2011

VKIC SANMAN TO KUM ANINGIU MERIAM The Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture (VKIC) Sanman 2011 was conferred on Kum Aningiu Meriam, vice president of Zeliangrong Mipui of Nagaland on the occasion of foundation day of the institute held at Guwahati on 31st January. The annual award is g i v e n f o r significant contribution to the society in the f i e l d o f preservation, protection and advancement of traditional culture. She dedicated herself to bring about a sociocultural renaissance and to nurture the indigenous faith and culture of the Zeliangrong Naga community. Groundwork for Bodo Seminar As part of the base work for the seminar on Traditional Systems of the Bodos – Change and Continuity, in presence of Shri A Balakrishnanji, Vice-President, Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture organized a preliminary meeting with Bodo intellectuals and social activists from Bodo Sahitya Sabha on 6 May 2010. Aw a r d s a n d A p p r e c i a t i o n s - Vivekananda Kendra Shiksha Prasar Vibhag - Assam & Nagaland Child Scientist Shri Kaushik Baruah -A student of VKV Golaghat was selected in the Regional Level CBSE Science Exhibition 2010 held at Guwahati. His topic was 'Demonstration on a reeling

machine to obtain continuous silk Filament from cut & pierced cocoons'. He received a certificate & cash prize of Rs.3,000/- from the HRD minister Shri Kapil Sibbal. For the same project he was awarded by the former President of India D r. A P J A b d u l K a l a m i n I I M , Ahmedabad. He was then felicitated in nd the 62 Republic Day Celebration by the Golaghat District Administration as “Child Scientist”. Kumari Ahhie Mega, a class six student of VKV Roing, is declared the winner of the All India Talent Search Examination (AITSE) conducted by National Teachers Council at Bangalore. Smt. Lipika Roy: A teacher of Vi v e k a n a n d a K e n d r a Vi d y a l a y a Ramnagar, Silchar was awarded with Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National fellowship Award by Bharatiya Dalit Sahitya Academy for spreading Srimanta Sankardev's ideology in Barak Valley region of Assam. KOLKATTA BRANCH – Swami Vivekananda Jayanti The programme on Swami Vivekananda Jayanti was held at Boys' Own Hall Library on Saturday, 15th January 2011 in presence of around 100 participants. Kumari Nivedita didi, Vice President of Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari graced the occasion as the Chief Speaker.

Yuva bharati - 10 - October 2011

BHUMI PUJAN OF REGIONAL CENTRE CUM INSTITUTE OF CULTURE & YOGA, BHUBANESWAR BRANCH The Foundation Stone laying programme for the Regional Centre cum Institute Of culture & Yoga, Bhubaneswar was held on 27th February 2011. The Chief Guest Sri Pyari Mohan Mohapatra, Hon'ble MP (Rajya Sabha), unveiled the foundation stone at the start of the programme in presence of Shri A. Balakrishnanji –(V. P.) Vivekananda Kendra. Brahmapur Branch conducted a 7 day residential Personality Development camp. They had the interactive sessions on the topics like Personality Development, Bharatiya Sanskriti, Bharat Bhakti, Sanskar Varga ki Avashyakata, Vyavahar Me Rashtra Bhakti. Also the life sketches of great patriots like Swami Vivekananda, Utkalmani Madhusudan Dash, Utkal Gaurav Gopabandhu Dash, Maharaja Kharvel and Shri. Eknathji Ranade was told to participants. Prof. Kishore Ch. Raut, Prof. Basudeo Chatoi, Prof. Vrindawan Mishra, Prof. Gopal Kr. Panigrahi, Shri. Pramod Panda, Smt. Minati Mahapatro guided the participants. All participants participated in Surya Namaskar Yajna. Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Port Blair, Andaman Kumari Nithya Nair and Rohini Nair of

Class XII, stood first and eighth in the Islands The Science Model prepared by Kumar Advait Ramesh Pillai, Kumar D. Neeraj , Kumar Vignesh Vinod and Kumar Mohammed Faiz was selected by Directorate Education, A & N Islands for Jawaharlal Nehru National Science Exhibition conducted by NCERT at Jaipur, Rajasthan Vivekananda Kandra Patna branch organized a public programme “Bharat Jago, Vishwa Jagao” on 21st November 2010. Kumari Nivedita Didi Vice President of Vivekananda Kendra was chief speaker and chief guest was Sri Ravinanadan Sahay. Nivedita didi th told, -- 2013 is the 150 Birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, which should be used by Vivekananda Kendra to bring together all the scattered spiritual forces & organizations to celebrate Swamiji’s birthday Nashik -- Samarth Bharat celebration Dr.Ashokji Modak renowned thinker & orator gave speech on subject, Swami Vivekananda's Thoughts – need of the hour, as a culmination of Samarth Bharat Parva. 300 people attended the function. As a part of the program of Swamiji's 150th anniversary 'Vivek Vichar Sahitya Seva' has published three books 'Ameriket Swamiji', 'Avismarniya Swamiji' & 'Sanghatana ani Karykarta' thes on occasion Pune -- Bhagini Nivedita centenary Bhagini Nivedita Memorial Centenary Functions: -- A committee of 8 different

Yuva bharati - 11 - October 2011

organisations was formed for conducting number of functions in memory of Bhagini Nivedita. The starting function was held on 9 October 2010. Kumari Niveditadidi and Kumari. Swarnalata Bhishikar were present in the function. They spoke about the life, contribution and message of Bhagini Nivedita. The book 'Karmayogini Nivedita' written by Dr. Suresh Shastri ( Karyakarta in Malegaon) was released during the function. 200 persons attended the function. Nagpur U. B. Day celebration U B day programme - Universal Brotherhood day programme was th o rg a n i z e d o n 1 2 Sep. 2010 by Vivekananda Kendra, Nagpur. Shri G. G. Joshi Maharashtra Pranta Pramukh of Vivekananda Kendra and the author of the book “Dasa Mhane” presided over the function. The same book was released on this occasion. Shri Prakashji Pathak General Secretary of the Central Hindu Military Education Society, Nasik addressed the audience.. Vivekananda Jayanti programme was th celebrated on January 17 2011. Shri Anand Bagdia - Nagar Prmukh presided over the programme in which shri. Mukulji Kanitkar – secretary VIF delivered the lecture on the subject “Mai Hi Bharat Hun”. In his address Shri Mukulji emphasized on the need of increasing our capacity of guiding the world. ''Otherwise, he said, “there is no use of becoming a super power.” Madhya Prant- A series of talks: started for intellectual peoples in the Jabalpur, Indore & Gwalior by title Vimarsh. The opening talk of this Vimarsh is given by Kumari

Nivedita Bhide, Vice President of Vivekananda Kendra in Gwalior, the topic was "Hindutwa: in Swami Vivekananda's perspective". After that the following Vimarsh by prominent persons like --D r. D i v a k a r Vidyalankar Dr.Subramani am Swami, Shri Mukul Kanitkar, Major Gen. G.D. Bakshi , Dr. CHANDRAKANT MOGHE SMT.SAROJ AGRAVAL Shri PRAKASH SINGH Former D.G.P(U.P) have been organized at different places. Workshop: - Vivekananda Kendra had gone through an agreement with State Govt. Education Department of Madhya Pradesh to conduct 69 Samarth workshops for government teachers. Out of which 12 workshops were conducted at Rewa (3), Jabalpur (8) Harda (1). Total participants were 490. Samarth Bharat Parva and Vivekananda Jayanti was organized by the Pranta in various places in 96 collages and also in public places having strength of 14200. A special talk on Samartha Bharat Parva was organized at Gwalior. It was attended by 120 intellectuals and youth of the city. Shri Piyush Tambe was the chief speaker and Shri Jitendraji of Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram presided over the function. It was preceded by an audiovisual quiz on Samartha Bharat. Vimarsh - Monthly Talks – Vivekananda International Foundation New Delhi Talk & Slideshow on the Topic: “Sarasvati the Lost River” by Michel Danino, the

Yuva bharati - 12 - October 2011

well known author of the "Lost River: On the Trail of the Sarasvati" gave a fascinating presentation on the archeological and geological evidences regarding the existence of this once mighty river that was the life stream of Indian Civilization. Sarasvati stands out as a unifying thread of connectivity in the ebb and flow of the unique civilization of India. This talk was a part of “Civilizational and Historical Studies", one of the core projects of the VIF. Presentation left the audience enthralled. Bhavan Lokarpan at Jaipur:- On 24th November 2010, a newly constructed house, costing Rs. 20 Lakhs ( cost of land and construction )was donated to Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari for its Jaipur Branch Centre by Smt. Mohini Odrani W/o Shri Lekhraj Odrani, a well wisher of the Kendra at Jaipur Vivek Vichar : A new series of activity named " Vivek Vichar”- a Manthan was introduced in Rajasthan with its first initiation at Udaipur on the subject "Challenges to National Security”, Main speaker on the occasion was Maj. Gen.(Rtd) G.D. Bakshi who narrated his anxiety on the killing of human rights by the prevailing world wide terrorism . Vi v e k a n a n d a K e n d r a Vi d y a l a y a Kallubalu -- Bangalore On Jan 12th 2011 'Annual Day' was celebrated in a grand way along with 25 y e a r celebration of Vivekananda Kendra & “Dashamatiotsava of Vivekananda

Kendra Vidyalaya, culmination of Samartha Bharatha Parva' and swami Vivekananda Jayanti. Sri V.V. Bhat, Secretary to the Govt. of India, Sri.Dr.Krishna Reddy and Sri T.G.K Murtyji, Chief guests inaugurated two new class rooms by lighting the lamp. Chief guests spoke on the importance of the occasion. A Kerala unique, sampark Programme has been undertaken by Kodungallur based Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation making use of Peoples interest in Ramayana Parayanam. Generally July – August are referred as Ramayana months. In an attempt to popularize the Ramayana Parayanam and conduct more meaningfully, Karyakartas visited 31 houses during the period with a group of four children from Sanskar Varga and they did Ramayana Parayanam followed by a simple Pooja. Ramayana Book and photo of shri Rama was presented to the host. Sri Sarada matrumandir, a new guest house in Anandadham was inaugurated on December 16th 2010. The Ananda Dham is a unique place for conference, deliberations, and demonstrations of Vidyopasaka. Ganapathy homam by Surya Kaladi was performed on that day. Swami Vivekananda's triumphant return from West On 30.01.2011, 115th year of Swami Vivekananda's triumphant return from West has been celebrated by Vivekananda Kendra Thoothukudi. A huge procession with Swamiji's picture went along the streets and reached Kumaran Padithurai where Swami Vivekananda gave his Paramakudi lecture.

Yuva bharati - 13 - October 2011

VELGA VELGAVEY Shibir for college students at Madurai The shibir “velga velgavey “was inaugurated on 22nd January by Swami Kamalatmanandaji, President, Ramakrishna Math, Madurai. Susri Nivedita Bhide, All India Vice President, Vivekananda Kendra, Dr R Dinakaran, Chairman of the State Committee and Sri Ananda Amritam of Anantha Metals were also present and spoke on the occasion. The shibir was participated by 1013 boys and girls from 92 colleges of Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, Thoothukudi and Kanyakumari. On 25th, the penultimate day all the 1013 participants performed 108 Surya Namaskaras. A Deepa-Puja was organized on the same day evening, which concluded with a dance recital. On 26th January, after the oath taking, valedictory function was held. Dr R Chidambaram, Principal Scientific Advisor to the Govt. Of India was the Chief Guest.

'Now the very dust of India has become holy to me! Before he left London, one of his British friends put this question to him: `Swami, how do you like now your motherland after four years' experience of the luxurious, glorious, powerful West?' Swamiji said: `India I loved before I came away. Now the very dust of India has become holy to me, the very air is now to me holy; it is now the holy land, the place of pilgrimage, the Tirtha!’ Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari Vivekananda Kendra head quarters at Kanyakumari was busy with many a c t i v i t i e s t h r o u g h o u t t h e y e a r. Vivekananda Rock Memorial being a big attraction for visitors. Following chart shows visit records at various places and Exhibitions at Vivekanandapuram.

No of Visitors to Various Landmarks in Kanyakumari

*** Wondering Monk exhibition which was under renovation and was closed for visitors . Our dispensary has provided medical service to 11761 patients in the year .

Yuva bharati - 14 - October 2011

REMARKS IN THE VISITORS BOOK AT V I V E K A N A N A D A R O C K MEMORIAL 1. Shri Sudershanji , former RSS Chief(visited on 20/05/2010) - - This Memorial has a very high status in National Life .Where every day average Seven thousand visitors get inspired. Swamiji has said, I can visualize the Awakening Nation and will lead the world with message of Love and Peace. 2.Shri R.S.Gavai, H.E. The Governor of Kerala ( visited on 27/05/2010)- wrote, The Rock which depicts the endless religious history of the Nation. Splendid masterpiece for the great saint shri Swami Vivekananda. 3.Dr R.Lakshmipathy of DINAMALAR (visited on 25/06/2010) wrote, I am so proud to visit again after ten years. Born in Nagercoil, my memories go back to several years. The day the stone was laid on this Rock for temple till today, things

are going in the right direction. It is great desire that Tiruvallur statue rock and Vivekananda rock is connected to each other. 4. Shri Rajendra Agrawal M.P.--, the memorial is highly inspiring ( visit to rock Memorial on 27/06/2010) 5.Lt Gen V.K.Ahuwalia of Central command(visited on 16/09/2010) -- It is indeed a great honour and privilege to visit the Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Kanyakumari temple after 46 years. The entire monument / temple structure has been well conceptualized, designed, constructed and maintained. 6.Yogi Swami Ramdev Baba of Patanjali Yogapitha visited on (28/03/2011) -wrote --- My heart, mind, soul &body got enthralled and filled with energy on this auspicious land of Kanyakumari where swami Vivekananda got blessings and mission of his life. I will devote my life to fulfill the dream of swami Vivekananda.

Yuva bharati - 15 - October 2011

Samarth Bharat, /Guru Purnima/ Gita Jayanti, / Universal Brotherhood day, / Sadhana Diwas were Celebrated at Vivekanandapuram, and Vivekananda Kendra.

Vision of Vivekananda:-Friends, when I am in this beautiful environment - the Ancestral House of Swami Vivekananda, let me recall an event that took place in a ship which was sailing from Bombay to Europe in 1901. Two great human beings were traveling in that ship. They introduced each other. They were Swami Vivekananda and Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata. Swamiji asked Nausserwanji Tata where he was going and what was the mission. Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata said, "Swamiji, I am going with a mission to bring steel industry to country". Friends it was in 1901, when India was ruled by the Britishers. Swamiji said, "it is indeed a beautiful mission. My best wishes. However, I would like to give you a small caution. Whatever amount you spend to get the process of making steel simultaneously you should learn the metallurgical science of making steel also. I would prefer you to start an Institute, a laboratory to do advanced research on the subject". What a prophetic statement which came in the year 1901. Many things happened after that. Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata could not get the technology for manufacturing steel from UK. However, he could get the knowhow of manufacturing steel after crossing the Atlantic from USA and he established the Tata Iron and Steel Company at Jamshedpur. A big planning took place. That planning had two parts: the first part was to start steel manufacturing plant presently at Jamshedpur in Jharkhand. Simultaneously, he donated one sixth of his property for establishing an Institute of Material Research at Bangalore. ---- Narrated by ex President of India Dr A.P.J.Abdul Kalam

Yuva bharati - 16 - October 2011

1. Arunachal Balwadis / attend -- 111 / 6880 3 Assam Deep Puja- 3/855 5. Madhya Prant - 63/ 8772 PDC (non Resid ) 7. Odisha Prant - Swadhyaya camps 20 / 543 9.75 Balwadis Run by RDP T.N.

2. Hyderabad Amruth Surabhi / attend -- 12/920 4. VK VVF Surya Namaskar - 11 schools /730 children 6. Maharashtra sthanik KPS - 7 / 165 8. Odisha Swadhyaya competitions - 33/ 1050 participants

Rural Development Program - THOOTHUKUDI------Total 124 Rural level competitions were held in 124 schools with 22793 students 1355 Teachers635 parents participated. 502 schools with 2262 students, 355 Teachers, 413 Parents participated in Dist Level competitions, 6861 students appeared for exam from 166 schools and 13 cultural classes 16913 students from 110 colleges and 23 cultural classes appeared for the exam.

Yuva bharati - 17 - October 2011

Vivekananda Kendra Purva Prant Branch Centers: - Kolkata, Batanagar, Siuri, Tarapeeth, Brahmanwada Patna, Nalanda and Bhagalgpur Purva Prant consists of seven Sampark Nagars, six Karya Nagar, one Karyasthan , 21 Karya Vistar, 27 Sampark Vistar. Vibhag is managed by one Jeevanvrati and Sthanik Karyakarta. Kolkata Branch Gurupurnima was celebrated on 25 th july at Vivekananda Kendra Office & 3 other places –at Manisika, Howrah and Michaelnagar At Manisika Dr. Laxmi Niwas Ojha delivered lecture on Guru Parampara. U n i v e r s a l B ro t h e rh o o d d a y w a s celebrated on Sunday 12th September 2010. An analysis on Seva hi Sadhana was presented by Dr. Arun Upadhyay. Ma. Bhanudasji cited the example of the life style of Ma. Eknathji which itself could be termed as Sadhana. Gita Jayanti was also 17/ 12/2010. celebrated on

Vivekananda Kendra, Patna Branches - Bhagalpur, Gaya, Munger & Patna One competition was organized under “Vijay hi Vijay” Abhiyan for guiding the youth on the basis of concerned book, Forces”. V.K Patna Branch organized 'Vivek Sandesh' at Dinkar Golambar Vivekananda Kendra, Bhagalpur Universal brotherhood day, Gita Jayanti, Swami Vivekananda Jayanti, Samarth Bharat Parva were celebrated. ASSAM Prant ---Branch centers: - Bordoloni, Bokakhat, Chabua, Dhemaji, Dibrugarh:, Golaghat, Guwahati: VKIC-Guwahati, Jorhat, Kamargaon, Khatkhati, Lakhimpur, Lumding, Mangaldoi, VKNRL Hospital, Sivasagar, Tezpur & VKSPV Assam Prant continues to work with 18 no's of Karya Vistar , 44 no's of Sampark Vistar, with 297 Dayitvavan Karyakarta. 49 baithaks were arranged with total attendance 1777 persons Sadhana Divas, Gita Jayanti, Samarth Bharat Parva, Universal Brotherhood Day, Gurupurnima were celebrated with good attendance. 46 new Pariposhak and 82 new subscriptions were enrolled during the year. Swadhyaya was conducted with participation from 58 schools in 48 camps with total 2028 students participants. Attendance in Yoga Satras was 72 students. Two Karyakartas were sent for Varistha Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibir.

Swami Vivekananda’s birth anniversary and Samarth Bharat Parva was celebrated. Kumari Nivedita didi,All India Vice President of Vivekananda Kendra graced the occasion as the Chief Speaker at Boys' Own Hall Library on Saturday,15th January, in presence of audience of 100 p e r s o n s . S w a m i S a rd a t m a n a n d a , secretary of Ramakrishna Satyanandam Ashram, Alambazaar Math was the chief guest of the function.There was good response for Book fair at Netaji Indoor Stadium

Yuva bharati - 18 - October 2011

Odisha Prant Branch centers - Baleshwar, Baripada, Brahmapur, Bhubaneshwar, Kusupur and V.K. Utkal Seva Prakalp (Kendujar) Vivekananda Kendra's work in Odisha is going on through:-Prakalp activity in 34 Prakalp Sthans covering 3 Districts. Samparka has been established in 7 new Nagars (Zilla Sthan) by way of the Swadhyaya vargas. Branch centre activity is carried in 6 Nagar Sthans . Total 13 Districts are covered. The number of dayitwawan karyakartas including those working through projects and the Nagar Sthans has increased from the 181 karyakartas in 2009-2010 to 224 in the current year. Celebrations Along with the other Utsavs, special emphasis was given this year on celebrating Swami Vivekananda Jayanti by bringing together various Hindu organizations . The Samarth Bharat Parva a n d S w a m i Vi v e k a n a n d a J a y a n t i celebrated at 92 places with 8367 persons attending the programme. Sadhana Diwas, Gita Jayanti, Guru Purnima celebrated at 29 places where 2000 persons were present. Vivekananda Kendra, Brahmapur Branch conducted a 7 day residential Personality Development camp and also one day camps. Sanskar Varga Prashikshan on 27 May 2010 at Vivekananda Kendra Karyalaya Brahmpur premises. Swadhyay Pariksha –Utthishthita! Jagrata!! Yuva Pratiyogita conducted in 13 Districts where 543 Participated. Yoga Pratiman Pariksha de Haste Haste – 10 Numbers conducted with 626 Attendance

This year the emphasis given to organize the Yoga Pratimans, saw to an increase in the number of Pratimans organized. Sthaniya Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibir was organized at 5 places for 53 participants. Four Alpakalin Karyakartas joined to spread the Kendra work. Sahitya Seva: This year VK publication sale increased from ` 42895/- last financial year to ` 51717/- and of other publications from ` 28081/- to ` 31710/Dream come true --* There was middle - aged woman who had been born in Moscow and had spent her youth there. While in Russia she had had a dream which she related with much emotion. In the dream she was led to a sailing ship by a luminous man; it was a black night, and the ship set sail in a boundless sea. She was afraid. Then another man, whose face she saw very clearly, said to her, "There is no fear. Even in the dark the ship will go to its destination." Her fear left, and she awoke". For many years thereafter she had searched in vain for that face in both Russia and England. Then in October of 1895 she attended Swamiji's lecture at Prince's Hall, and there he was, the man in her dream. Piccadilly U.K. Maharashtra Prant ---Working with 4 no's Vibhag and 22 Kendra's, 11 Nagarsthan & 12 Karyasthan , karyavistar at 37 places, Samparkvistar at 132 places, Dayitvavan Karyakarta 357. Total 222 Baithak were conducted with 2315 persons attending. Celebration of Utsav -: Sadhana Diwas, Gita Jayanti, Guru Purnima, Samarth Bharat Parva & Vi v e k a n a n d a J a y a n t i a l o n g w i t h

Yuva bharati - 19 - October 2011

Universal Brotherhood Day were celebrated with participation of 15000 people. Enrollment of 144 Pariposhak, 994 subscriptions & 105 A.B.Parivar was done. Sales of Kendra and other publications, novelties went up to Rs 8.0 lacs approximately Swadhyaya competitions were held in school colleges and post graduate colleges where 1000 students attended in 14 different camps. Yuva Prerana, yoga and spirituals, yoga Satras attracted more than 2400 participants. Sanskar Vargas, Sthanik Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibir were well attended and total six persons joined as Alpkalin / Pournkalin karyakartas. Nasik Vibhag Nasik Vibhag Branches - Aurangabad, Dhule, Jalgaon, Jalna, Malegaon, Nasik & Parbhani V.K.Prashikshan Va Seva Prakalp (PIMPALAD) Seminar for Professors was organized on book “Maza Bharat - Amar Bharat” to initiate programme “Sinhnad” in which 20 professors Participated in 19 functions with attendance of 2800 persons. PUNE VIBHAG Pune Vibhag Branches - Chinchwad, Karmala, Pune, Sangli, Satara, Marathi Prakashan (Solapur) and Wai 1.21 boys and 26 girls attended the personality Development Camp 2. 'Vivekananda Vichar' Essay competition on -- Women Power, Western and Eastern Cultures, Samarth Bharat etc. 240 college students from all over Maharashtra participated in the competition

3. Two books 'Das Mhane' and 'Shidori' were released at the hands of Sunilji Chincholkar . 4.Samartha Bharat Parva and Vivekananda Jayanti - Pictorial Exhibition on life of Swami Vivekananda and book stalls were put up at 8 places. 1800 people visited the exhibition and also purchased books 5.Sinhanaad – 'Vaktrutwa Vikas': To identify Swamiji's Youth, Sinhanaad project has been started. 28 college students have enrolled and one session of presentations was held, where 29 students participated 6.Donations: Pune Nagar has always been able to get large donations. Major donations received this year are as below: For Nirjuli School construction - D. 37.4 lakhs For VKPSP, Pimplad - D. 6.5 lakhs For 150th birth anniversary- D. 2.5 lakhs Arunachal Bandhu Parivar - D. 2.6 lakhs Patron -D. 1.5 lakhs General Donations -D. 1.7 lakhs Vidarbha Vibhag: Vivekananda Kendra Branches Chandrapur, Nagpur & Nanded 1.Vivekanand Kendra conducted a personality development camp for the children of 10 to 16 years. 76 children participated. Chief guest Smt Shantakka – Akhil Bharatiya Karyavahika of Rashtra Seva Samiti guided the parents 2.Deepa Pooja,U.B.day,Gita Jayanti were celebrated by Vivekananda Kendra, Nagpur. 3 A sthanik Karyakarta Prashikshan shibir was conducted at Khapri near Nagpur. Shri Kishorji , Shri Vishwasji and Shri Dhananjay were present in the camp to guide the karyakartas.

Yuva bharati - 20 - October 2011

4 'Mai Vivekananda bolrahahu' - A passage presentation competition held in 4 vistars Two one day camps were conducted. Mumbai Vibhag: Kendra Branches - Ambernath, Dombivli, Vashi, Thane 1.Books publication of 'Ameriket Swamiji', 'Avismarniya Swamiji' & 'Sanghatana Ani Karykarta' organized at two places – Dadar (At Ville Parle Attendance -100) and at Thane (Attendance -150). Shri Prakashaji Pathak and Prof.Pravin Davane were the speakers at the public function 2.VK Ambernath branch arranged Prabhat pheri of 10 schools – Attendance 500 3. VK Vashi branch arranged – Sanskar Varga Shibir for 1 month from 19th April to 20th May 2010 at Vashi,for 40 participants. 4.Orientation programme for Sanskar Varga in ICL School. Participation - 240 No's (60 x 4) Organized by Students from Study Circle Thane College & VK Vashi. 5. V K Dadar arranged non-residential Sanskar Varga Shibir for 30 Participants. GUJRAT PRANT AHMEDABAD VIBHAG REPORT Branches -- Ahmedabad, Bhavnagar, Morbi, Palitana, Porbandar, Rajkot, Surat, Vadodara, Veraval, VK Gujrat Prakashan (Rajkot - Vivek Sudha) Gita Jayanti was celebrated on 17/12/2010. Samarth Bharat Parva was celebrated with Participation of 8 colleges from Ahmedabad and more than 650 students.

Vadodara Vibhag Vadodara Kendra working with 35 nos of Dayitvavan Karyakartas has 9 Karya vistars and 5 Sampark vistrs, conducted 35 Baithaks. Enrolment of 18 Pariposhak, 152 Subscription, 20 Arunachal Bandhu Parivar. Sadhana Diwas, Gita Jayanti, Samarth Bharat Parva, Vivekananda Jayanti, Guru Purnima was celebrated. Sales of Kendra Publications went up to D 22316 /-& others as D.18409/- with Novelties D.24507. /Swadhyaya Competition was held for 1050 school boys and girls. Also100 students from various colleges participated. . Yoga Satras (2no) and Sanskar Varga (5) with Attendance of 100 participants were conducted. Seven Participants went to Kanyakumari for Varisth Karyakarta Shibir. Rajkot Vibhag This year, Rajkot Vibhag conducted many programmes besides regular activities. Such activities are as underSadhana Diwas, Gita Jayanti, Samarth Bharat Parva, Vivekananda Jayanti celebrated with total attendance of 1422. 9 Karyakartas were sent for VKPS at Kanyakumari. Mukh path competition, Vaktrutva Spardha organized with 1085 attendance, 7 camps with 630 participants. Yoga, Sanskar Varga, Swadhyaya Varga also were conducted. MADHYA PRANT Branches- Badwah, Bhind, Bhopal, Dhar, Gwalior, Guna, Harda, Indore, Jabalpur, Jhansi. Khandwa, Mandsaur, Raghogarh, Rewa, Sagar, Ujjain & Vidisha Sixty-three non-residential Personality Development camps with 8782

Yuva bharati - 21 - October 2011

participants. 5 Residential Personality Development camps with 273 participants were organized in Gwalior, Jhansi & Bhopal. Sthanik Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibirs for 7 days each were organized in 4 places. Total 123 karyakartas were present Viveka Sandesh : On the occasion of Vivekananda Jayanti the Vivek Sandesh programme was organized at Indore, Gwalior ,and Bhopal Vibhag having an exhibition on Swami Vivekananda's life and sales of books . More than 10000 people got benefited. More than 5000 post cards were written from them. Samarth Bharat Parva and Vivekananda Jayanti was organized by the Prant in various places in 96 collages and also in public places. Total 14200 Attended. A book fair at Khandwa in Indore Vibhag was organized. Sales in this fare was Rs. 2500/-. Received D. 10000/- through Sales of Kendra and other publications in Indore, Gwalior & Bhopal Vibhag. Bhajan Sandhya are regularly held at Kendra sthans. Vivek Vichar: Paricharcha was organized in Bhopal on monthly intervals. Few elites like of Dr. P.L.Chaturvedi, Sri Deerendra, Dr. Devendra Deepak, Sri Mukul Kanitkar, Dr. Jitendra Bazaz, Dr. Subramanian Swami Sri Kishoreji Tokekar Justice N.K.Jain, participated and expressed their views on a particular given subject. The idea behind this is to create an opinion on some topics and find some karyakartas for our organization. Karyapaddhati - Total 78 Samskara Vargas with 1263 participants, 21 Swadhyaya Vargas with 352 participants & 7 Yoga Vargas with 80 participants were conducted.

Swami Vivekananda – Awakening to his Countrymen He returned to India in January 1897. In response to the enthusiastic welcome that he received everywhere, he delivered a series of lectures in different parts of India, which created a great stir all over the country. Through these inspiring and profoundly significant lectures Swamiji attempted to do the followings to rouse the religious consciousness of the people and create in them pride in their cultural heritage;

4 4 to bring about unification of Hinduism by pointing out the common bases of its sects; 4 to focus the attention of educated people on the plight of the downtrodden masses, and to expound his plan for their uplift by the application of the principles of Practical Vedanta.

Delhi Vibhag Branch Centers - Dwaraka, Dakshin Delhi, Paschim Delhi, Poorva Delhi, Uttar Delhi, Vivekananda International Foundation Karyasthan - 4 no's / Nagarsthan - 2 no's / Sampark Sthan 5 no's Sadhana Diwas, Gita Jayanti, Samarth Bharat Parva, Guru Purnima, Universal Brotherhood day, Vivekananda Jayanti were celebrated. Gita Jayanti Celebration 31st December 2010 Delhi: Gita Jayanti was celebrated in Arya Samaj Mandir in Paschim Vihar. Swami Yashadharand Saraswati was chief guest. Vivekananda Jayanti : On the last day of 5-

Yuva bharati - 22 - October 2011

Days Vijay Hi Vijay Yuva Shibir at Harinagar the 105 Shibirarthis assembled at Vivekananda International Foundation at Chanakyapuri for the celebration of Vi v e k a n a n d a J a y a n t i w h i c h w a s attended by Shri Ajit Dovalji, Shri M.S. Bitta(president anti-terrorist front) shri Mahajanji (sah prant sanchalak) and Narendra Kohli(Eminent writer) as Chairman, speaker, Special Guest and Chief Guest who narrated wonderful incidents from the life of Swamiji. Student shared their experience about the shibir. . To commemorate the world famous speech delivered by Swami Vivekananda on 11th September, 1893 at Chicago in the world parliament of religions, Universal Brotherhood Day was celebrated by Vivekananda Kendra Delhi Vibhag at Kaveri Hostel. JNU campus. The event was organized with a talk on “Key to leadership: Swami Vivekananda” by Shri Mukul Kanitkar. 70students participated in the event. On 16th September 2010 the event was organized at Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Management And Research, 200 students and faculty members of the institute participated. Vivekananda Kendra Delhi in association with NSS (National Service Scheme) Hansraj College, University of Delhi, celebrated Universal Brotherhood day at College Auditorium DIMT (Institute of Management) celebrated Universal brotherhood day and Guru Purnima celebrated in presence of 200 persons Total 52 persons have participated in progrmme Vimarsh. Shri M.J.Waria, Former Justice of Punjab High Court, spoke on subject Relevance of Dharma in Politics. Delhi Mahanagar organized two day nonresidential Pratiman “Sahayog” . In these

two days, four sessions 1. Realizing the oneness 2. Parenting with Joy 3. Towards Purposeful Family 4. Kriti Sankalpa had been organized. Rajasthan Prant Branches - Agunacha, Ajmer, Beawar, Bhilwara, Deedwana, Jaipur, VK Hindi Prakashan (Jodhpur), Kishangarh, Kota, Rajasmand & Udaipur Rajsthan Prant working with 20 Karya Vistars, 23 Sampark vistars, 182 dayitwawan Karykarta. Total 69 meetings were conducted during the year. Prant is having 132 Pariposhaks, 397 Patrika members, 29 Arunachal Bandhu Pariwar . Sadhana Diwas, Gita Jayanti, Samarth Bharat Parva, Guru Purnima ( two places), Universal Brotherhood day(seven places), Vivekananda Jayanti were celebrated on grand manner in all the Branch centers. At Jaipur, Vivekananda Jayanti was celebrated in Rajasthan University presided over by the Vice-Chancellor Shri B.L. Sharma. At Bhilwara, the main speaker of the occasion was Shri Sheshadri Chari- Ex Editor of Organizer. The audience was addressed by all India Vyavastha Pramukh Kum. Aparnaji who called upon the karyakartas to be continuously effortful in serving the motherland. U n i v e r s a l B ro t h e rh o o d d a y w a s celebrated at 7 places in Rajasthan. In all, 1611 persons attended the function UB day was conducted in Govt. Engineering College, Ajmer where many students were inspired by the speech given by Kumari Nivedita Didi Utho Jago Shibir: Utho Jago Shibir for youth was organized at Ajmer where in 1 5 4 y o u t h s f ro m v a r i o u s p l a c e s participated Vivekananda Study Circles: Study circles

Yuva bharati - 23 - October 2011

for youths have been introduced in colleges- Two such circles are functioning in two engineering colleges of Ajmer Preparatory work for Sardh Shati Samaroh: on 13th February 2011, an important meeting was held at Jaipur centre under the guidance of Shri. Kishorji Tokekar and Kum. Rekha Dave, Jt. General Secretary of Vivekananda Kendra to discuss ways and means for the Sardh Shati Celebrations in Rajasthan. Prant and Vibhag level Adhikaries of Rajasthan participated in the meet. Dakshin Prant --ANDHRA PRADESH - Hyderabad Kendra has 4 centers in Hyderabad at Ameerpet, Dilsukhnagar, Baghlingampalli and Kachiguda One of the oldest Kendra has conducted more than 200 programmes with attendance touching mark of 15000. All celebrations like National Youth Day, Universal Brotherhood Day, Sadhana Diwas, Gita Jayanti, Shankara Jayanti etc were conducted with full gaiety and grace .Regular classes of Meditation, Yogasana, spoken English, and Personality Development are carried out. Deep Pooja and Amruth Surabhi were arranged with attendance of 1100. Free Medical Camps, Eye camps were conducted with Attendance more than 2100 with distributions of spectacles. KARNATAKA - Bengaluru Vi v e k a n a n d a K e n d r a b r a n c h e s Bengaluru, VKV Kallubalu, Dharwad, Mangaluru and Mysore. Yoga Varga: 3 places. Swadhyaya Varga: 1 place. Samskara Varga: 4 places .Yoga Satras: 14 yoga Satras. Meditation Class: 10 days meditation class organized. 450 students participated. Anandalayas - Value based education for

economically backward class conducted at 2 places with 78 children from class 1 to 10th standard. Free Medical Service, Free Computer class, Free Bhratanatya class( 18 Students) -- conducted. Annadanam attracted 960 people. Deepa Pooja performed at Kendra and nearby 2 temples & slums. Shiva Pooja celebrated on Shivaratri Day with attendance of 180 people. Educational Aid distributed to 400 students. 7 cycles distributed to needy children. Gurupurnima & Universal Brotherhood Day celebrated at 3 places with 700 people attending the program .Sadhana Diwas: 70 karyakartas attended /Gita Jayanti: celebrated at 3 places. Samartha Bharata Parva/ Vivekananda Jayanti: – Exhibition on Swamiji's life and message was organized at 8 places. 8000 people visited the Exhibition. Cultural competition, Sports meet were organized, 98 students from 9 schools participated Sri Krishna Janmastami, Rathasaptami Day were celebrated in grand manner. 101 Samuhik Suryanamaskar performed by all 128yoga participants, Tamil Nadu Prant Branches - Chennai, VK Prakashan Trust (Chennai), Coimbatore, VK Nardep (Kalluvilai), VKV(Kanyakumari), Madurai, Thoothukudi, and VKV (Valliyoor Madurai Vibhag -- Kutumba Sammelan was organized. Kumari Nivedita Didi, Vice-President, Vivekananda Kendra was t h e m a i n s p e a k e r. 1 0 0 f a m i l i e s participated. Yoga Satras was organized for 75 children and another for 21 adults, A PDC for children was organized. 51 Children participated. Gurupurnima was organized. Shri. N.Krishnamurthyji, was

Yuva bharati - 24 - October 2011

the chief speaker.150 persons participated. Universal Brotherhood day was organized in colleges. 5 Colleges 842 Students participated Swami Vivekananda Jayanti was organized. 700 participated Deep Pooja was organized on the occasion of Sri Ramakrishna Jayanti. 200 participated. Coimbatore- Kendra working with two Dayitvavan Karyakartas having 1 Karya Vistar & 1 Sampark Vistar. Total 20 Baithak (meetings) with 250 attendance were held. Sadhana Diwas, Gita Jayanti , Samarth Bharat Parva ( at 3 place with 1900 persons Attending ) , Guru Purnima, Universal Brotherhood Day, Swami Vivekananda Jayanti were celebrated. Shibirs organized –participants as follows-1. PDC (school) one –200 participants 2. Yuva Prerana 4Nos –650 Participants. 3. Velga-Velgavey 10 one day camps with participants 15oo. 4. Yoga Pratiman Samarth 3 Shibirs with 1150 participants. 5. Pariksha De Hastey Hastey - 3 Shibirs with 450 participants. 6. Five Guest Lecture with attendance of 4000 Persons. 7. Two Days Sanskar Varga Camp participated by 35 persons. 8. Two competitions were held on occasion of Swami Vivekananda Jayanti, and 800 children participated. Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Report Objective: - To impart Man-Making Nation-Building Education Activities: - Running residential and nonresidential schools Locations:Arunachal Pradesh – 33;

Assam – 17; Nagaland – 1, Andaman – 9; Karnataka – 1; Tamil Nadu –3 Kanyakumari The strength in Matriculation & Higher secondary section is 1146, while there are 182 pupils in the Balwadi section. There are 53 Teaching staff and 11 Non-teaching staff Teachers Orientation camp was held from May 24th to 26th. The camp was inaugurated by Kum. Niveditadidi, VicePresident, Vivekananda Kendra 58 students out of 61 passed +2 Exam held in March 2010.with highest scoring 1154/1200 In Matriculation examination - All the75 students appeared for the common Examination held in March 2010 passed with 100% result. The highest score in March 2010 Matriculation exam was 482/ 500. Following competitions were held during academic year Art from waste -Science Quiz - Science Models -mental Mathematics and table recitation Poem composing, Interpreting a Picture, Extemporization. Word power, Essay writing & English Quiz. The Pariksha Vibhag - Approximately 900 students attended examinations Manvar Manthram, Hindi Prachara Sabha, Sanskrit, Narguna Nayagar Vivekananda. Celebrations Guru Purnima, Independence Day, the twin festivals of Gokulashtami and Rakshabandhan and Vinayaka Chaturthi ,Teachers' day ,Universal Brotherhood day , Children's day, Sadhana Diwas, Gita Jayanti, Samarth Bharat Parva, Swami Vivekananda Jayanti, National youth Day and Vidyalayas Annual Day .The 62nd

Yuva bharati - 29 - October 2011

Republic day, 26th January. 7 days residential camp for the boys of class 11th was arranged Valliyoor This school was started in the year 1988. Now it has grown up as a Higher Secondary School with the strength of about 732students as well as 35 teaching and 8 non-teaching staff. Result of Std X is 85% passing and that of STD XII is 84% Rs.10,000/- awarded to the top scorer in std XII (R. Rakesh) by Dr. Muthukrishnan, Eswari Nursing Home, Vallioor. A cheque of D. 5000/- awarded in the memory of Dr. Lakshmanan to the top scorer of std X (C. Muthu Lakshmi) . High lights School strength increased to 732 students. Bhgavad Gita and Vishnu Sahasranama taught to all the children. One of our LKG st student got 1 place in Gita Chanting competition, and another student got 1st prize in state level Essay writing competition.. Lab facility was improved with more apparatus. More Books were added in the library to encourage the students for doing projects. A new block with ten rooms was inaugurated with all facilities. Play ground was renovated for improving the student's sports talents. Bus Service for students was facilitated with efforts of correspondent Shri. S.K. Subramanian 'The Teachers re-orientation camp' was h e l d a t Vi v e k a n a n d a K e n d r a , Kanyakumari at the start of Academic year. The school is listed in the District InterSchool Sports Athletic Association. Yoga

classes &Karate class are conducted twice in a week. Students participated in Drawing and Quiz competitions among them 3 students got prizes. Celebrations June 2nd with Varsharamba ceremony & Vivekananda Rock Memorial day celebrated. 300 Kg rice was collected from the students for Anna Pooja. Guru Purnima on 24th July. Kamarajar th Birthday was celebrated on 15 July .Independence Day. Krishna Jayanti and Raksha Bandhan, Teachers' Day, the U n i v e r s a l B ro t h e rh o o d D a y w a s celebrated in September. Arunachal Pradesh Trust (VKVAPT) Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas: ( Total33 schools ) Amliang, Balijan, Banderdewa, Basar, Banagar, Changlang, Dado, Jairampur, Jirdin, Joram, Kharsang, Koloriang, Kuparijo, Liromoba, Niausa, Nirjuli, Nivedita Vihar, Oyan, Raga, Roing, Seijosa, Sher, Shergon, Sunpura, Tafrogam, Tezu, Viveka Vihar, Wessang, Yazali, Yinkiong, Old Zira, and Ziro, Itanagar. Vi v e k a n a n d a K e n d r a Vi d y a l a y a continues to go from Strength to strength with no of schools went to 33 from 29 in previous year. Students strength went up to 11065 and that of teaching staff went to 440 with supporting staff 203. Results of STD XII for March 2010 are 78 % with 148 students passed out of 172. Result for STD X IS 98.9%. 718 out of 726 passed successfully along five students securing A1 grade. Salient features of AISSE 2010 Result Total 232 N0 of Students have secured CGPA 8.4 and above (above 80%). 13 Schools secured 100% passing result.

Yuva bharati - 30 - October 2011

31.96 % of students scored above 80% marks Shibirs conducted for students Total 13 Shibirs for the students were conducted named as Sargam, Utsarg, Prachidaya at different places with 1300 students attending it. Utsarg Samaroh for class X & XII students; January 2011 where total 745 students attended from 18 VKVS and 3 higher secondary high schools Dr. N.Gopalakrishnan, Director, Indian Institute of Scientific Heritage guided the students in Utsarg. His thought provoking sessions followed by question Answer hour proved quite focused and well received. Acharya Prashikshan Shibirs (APS) for Teachers ---Total 7 APS were conducted with attendance of 202 teachers, subjected for different schools. 18 teachers drawn from 5 VKVs having higher secondary sections participated in one day residential Shibir hosted at VKV th Nirjuli on 11 October 2010 APS for primary & high school Teachers and Mathematics Teachers conducted in July & August 2010. Management workshop carried out for VKAPT core Team in Nov 2010 VKVAPT core group meeting held in February / VKAPT Trustee board meeting held in August. Higher secondary school Principals meeting was organized along with cluster in- charges in September. Students' Participation in Various Competitions: National science Day, State-level children's Science Seminar, Inter VKV “Prajnya Vikas” Quiz,Science Exhibition . National-level Children Science Congress

2010, Governor's Quiz 2010, Gita Jayanti and Parivar Sammelan at VKVAPT Dibrugarh Well Wishers' Visit: - Almost 40 VIPs visited the institutes during the year VKV Band Troupe welcomed Dr.APJ Kalam on his visit to Itanagar. Mobile Science Laboratory Van: (Utilized in Sept 2010) .Teacher volunteered for “Vijay Hi Vijay” Arunachal Maha shibir. Important & inspiring events during the year ---- VKV Arunachal Pradesh Trust A memorable event that happened during the Class X parents' meeting in VKV Banderdewa in the month of September 2010 is worth mentioning. It happened during the deliberations of the meeting; Teacher asked the parents if any of them wanted to give feedback on their wards. Few parents gave feedback. Then one lady got up and informed that she has come to attend this meeting despite hurdles on the way to school from her area. The road got blocked at one point on the way due to heavy rain and landslide. GREF people told that chance of re-opening of road immediately is very grim. Instead of returning, she decided to leave her vehicle on the road, climbed the hill up and then down, walked for several kilometers before getting another vehicle up to the school. She took all this pain because she considered this meeting is very important. Here she could get chance not only to meet her child, but also all the teachers and Kendra elders.

Yuva bharati - 31 - October 2011

Samartha Bharat Parva P u b l i c P r o g r a m s o f D r. N . Gopalakrishnan, Senior Scientist, CSIR: (in January 2011) Number of public meetings was organized for the benefit of local populace & he spoke at length on various topics. Participation of VKVs on Republic Day / on Arunachal State hood Day Matru Pujas in Vidyalayas were among other programme organized. Vivekananda Kendra Shiksha Prasar Vibhag (VKSPV) Assam and Nagaland Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas: Badarpur, Bargolai, Bokuloni, Dhemaji, Dibrugarh, Kajalgaon, Majuli, Golaghat, Nalbari, Silchar, AU Campus, Sibsagar, Shuklai, Tezpur, Tingrai, Tinsukia, and Umrangso. 1. VKSPV Schools strength has gone to 17 from 15 keeping in the tradition of excellent results. Now the total strength of students is 7872, with 342 teachers and 135 supporting staff. Results of 10th and 12th standard are noteworthy with 100% students passed with honors. 2. Celebrations Guru Purnima ,Universal Brotherhood Day, Sadhana Diwas, Gita Jayanti , Samarth Bharat Parva were celebrated in grand manner in all 18 schools with attendance of 8000 . Yoga Vargas, Yoga Satras, Sanskar Vargas were conducted regularly with very good response from people. Total 16 camps and 10 training Programme were organized with attendance of 1500 students. 3. Teachers' training programme for 200 teachers of both VKVs and non VKVs were held.

38 students and 12 teachers of 11 VKVs visited various institutions like AIIMS, IIT, and NPL in Delhi and Deva Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya in Hardwar 4. Open source and web technology: To update teachers and students with the rd th technology the 3 & 4 workshop of its type were organized. Total six websites have been launched. Four of the V. K. Vidyalayas celebrated successful completion of 10 years during the year. Namely VKV (NEC) Boragolai, VKV (NEEPCO) Doyang, VKV (NEEPCO) Bokuloni & VKV (NEEPCO) Umrangso. Aryabhata Anusandhan Vijnana Prakalp and Vivekananda Krida Mahotsav were also held in VKV Doyang and VKV Boragolai respectively for the students of VKVs as part of 10 year celebration. Sri Prakash Singh, a student of VKV Tinsukia Class XII, received prestigious Aditya Birla Scholarship and Sri Abhimanyu Das & Sri Sulabh Agarwal excelled in National Children Science Congress 2010. Andaman – (Island) Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas: Basantipur, Diglipur, Hut Bay, Kadamtala, Pahalgaon, Port Blair, Portmout, Ranchi Tekri & Rangat Total nine (9) schools are performing excellently in different islands of Andaman with total strength of students to 3021 and Teaching staff 138, supporting staff 40. Result for class X and XII 100% For The Year 2009 – 2010 Highlights of CBSE Results: From V K V, Port Blair, Kumar Nithya Nair of Class XII, stood first in Islands and Rohini R Nair of Class XII stood 8th .

Yuva bharati - 32 - October 2011

Major achievements of the Vidyalayas. Students from A & N - Represented Islands in national level science seminars and participated in the Cultural Day at International Trade Fair, New Delhi.. A project developed by our students was selected for presentation in National Children Science Congress held at Chennai. Port Blair got first prize in the state level science quiz competition for the Senior Secondary & Best School Award for the overall performance in the State level. In State Inter Zonal School Games, Port Blair students Kumar Abhishek Roy secured Gold Medal in Badminton, Kumar Chandra Prakash Kushwaha and Kumar Khada Bahadur got Silver Medal in Table Tennis Kumari Pragathi from V K V Rangat stood 3rd position in the State level Drawing Competition .She also represented the Islands in the National Level competition held at New Delhi. Attendance of Utsavs – Gurpurnima – 3200 ,UB DAY -4650, Sadhana divas, Gita Jayanti 3200, swami Vinekaanda Jayanti 7125. Vi v e k a n a n d a K e n d r a Vi d y a l a y a Kallubalu, Karnataka CELEBRATIONS Guru Purnima was celebrated in Vidyalaya. Sri Dr.Manjunath, Registrar of SVYASA University was the chief guest .Raksha Bandhan 'Janmastami' was celebrated in the school in a colourful way. The 64th Independence Day, “Republic Day, Eknathji Punya Tithi. Ganesh Chathurthi,''Gandhi Jayanti'”, and Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanti. Children's day, Teachers Day', & Annual Sports Day.

55th 'Kannada Rajyotsava'. (Sri Gopinath Reddy, Sri Lakshmikanth and Sri Guru Murthyjji were the chief guests). Sadhana Diwas (The birth anniversary of Mananeeya Eknathji) Ma. Sarada Jayanti ( with “Matru Pooja” of 150 mothers, worshiped by their children. Sri Shinas Reddy, Mannaging Director of Ramana Maharishi Ashram, Chandrapur was chief guest. “Kalpataru Day” Su.Sri.Gayathri didi conducted “Annapuneshwari Pooja”. 61 parents participated. On Nov 8 2010, Deepa Pooja was organized at Vadra Manchanahally. Sri Nageshji, Sec of VKV Kallubalu, spoke on the importance of the Deepa Pooja. 50 mothers & children participated. 'Utsarga' programme for class – 10 students Was held.


Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this Divinity within, by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or psychic control, or philosophy ---by one or more or all of these ---and be free. This is the whole of religion. Doctrines, or dogmas, or rituals, or books, or temples, or forms, are but secondary details. The motive power of the whole universe, in whatever way it manifests itself, is that one wonderful thing, unselfishness, renunciation, love, the real, the only living force in existence.

Yuva bharati - 33 - October 2011

Vivekananda Kendra - Natural Resources Development Project Objective :- Sustainable development Activities :- Cost Effective Housing, Water Management, Organic Farming Location :- Kanyakumari Indigenous Health System , Renewable Energy System Working in harmony with other like-minded organizations and in technical collaboration with several scientific research institutes, it promotes simple, eco-friendly technologies, which help the common people to practice conservation. The aim is to transform opportunities offered by time-tested methods into tangible benefits of the people.

Yuva bharati - 34 - October 2011

Vivekananda Kendra -RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME THOOTHUKUDI Tamil Nadu Objective: To motivate rural people to adhere to and nurture the cherished values of our Sanatana Dharma. Activities: Drinking water, relief programme, cultural classes, Amruth Surabhi, help to poor students, Balwadis, cultural competitions, camps, medical centers, women's activities, youth programs, eye care, Adopt a Granny, etc. Working Areas - Five Districts in southern Ta m i l N a d u . 1 . K a n y a k u m a r i 2 . Ti r u n e l v e l i 3 . Vi r u d h u n a g a r 4.Thoothukudi 5. Ramanathapuram 75 Balwadis with1960 children & 222 Sanskar Vargas with 7006 children Total 18 Matru Pujas attended by 1072. 24109 Patients attended at 15 Medical Centers.38 eye camps were responded with 5444 Patients and 1464 cataract operations done. Monthly Deep Puja was attended by 10000 women.1008 deep Puja was conducted at 17 places with 15000 participating. Adopt A grandparent programme was responded by 68 persons. Aid for Marriage and Aid for Medical help given to 57 women. Vocational training of Tailoring was benefitted to 93. D 944805 /- from book sales and Rs 416595 /- from sale of Novelties was collected. Total 1787 people subscribed for Vivekwani. (Tamil Monthly) Sri Rama Jaya Ram Mantra chanting by Balwadi children, cultural class students and occasion like Deepa Pooja, Shivalinga Pooja and also during monthly meetings. (18, 80,752 times chanted in 132 localities).

Uniform, Vessels and Playing materials was distributed to all Balwadi children (2,074) sponsored by Supraja Foundation, Hong Kong. Doctors visit to all 75 Balwadis in southern 5 Districts of Tamil Nadu and check up the Balwadi children. Amruth Surabhi collection was 14994 kg from 2250 Houses .Rice collection for Anna Puja from 7000 Houses was 39224 kgs. Whole collected rice distributed to Balwadi children, old poor people and many educational institutions, Temples, and Trusts etc. Sweet was distributed in all Balwadi students on April 13th, 2010 in memory of Kendra Karyakarta Late Smt. Saraswati didi. Swami Vivekananda's panels Exhibited in 6 schools in Aruppukottai area. 3000 students visited the same and also purchased books worth of D.6, 000/-. 3 1 s t u d e n t s f r o m Ti r u n e l v e l i , Thoothukudi and Virudhunagar Districts attended five day residential Sanskar Varga Shibir at Kanyakumari. Two persons attended yoga shibir at Kanyakumari and 19 at sthanik karyakartas shibir. A speech on Swami Vivekananda was organized in Kaleeswari college at Sivakasi – Shri G.Nagasamy – in charge – Kovilpatti spoken on Youth and Swami Vi v e k a n a n d a a n d 5 0 0 s t u d e n t s participated in it. Annual refresher courses for all the Balwadi teachers, project workers conducted at Kanyakumari. 112 teachers and 6 supervisors & 37 RDP workers participated in it. Independence day, Vinayaka Chaturthi, Krishna Janmastami were celebrated Ten days training was organized at Kanyakumari for 33 Balwadi teachers and 7 social workers.

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VACS +1, +2 Certificates distributed to 1597 students from 18 schools at Kovilpatti, Sankarankoil and Valliyoor. 21 Velga Velgavey follow-up camps were conducted for 2952 students from 90 colleges. One of the Balwadi school was started at Idaichivilai an interior village in Thoothukudi district under the control of Vivekananda Kendra Rural Development Programme, Valliyoor. Mrs. Rajakili was the first Aya of that school and was serving there. Now her age is 60 and while filling up of her retirement application form I found that her street was --“Emma Calve". One of the followers of Swami Vivekananda was named as Emma Calve. The name was registered in the Government records which made me to wonder. - -M.SEKAR, V ALLIYOOR Vivekananda Kendra Arun-Jyoti Project (Arunachal Pradesh) Objective: Development through Culture Activities: Anaupacharik Shiksha Manch, Swasthya Seva Manch, Yuva Manch, Mahila Manch, Sanskritik Manch Location: Arunachal Pradesh Project centers :- Aalo, Bomdila, Bordumsa, Doimukh, Changlang, Daporijo, Deomali, Itanagar, Kharsang, Khonsa, Longding, Pasighat, Roing, Seijosa, Seppa, Tawang, Tezu & Wakro This project covering 6 Nagarsthan, 8 karyasthan, 176 Prakalpasthan, 122 villages & 28 towns with team of 137 Karykartas. 78 baithaks were arranged with 778 attending it. Project involves 3 Jeevanvratis, 4 shiksharthis, 6 Sevavratis, 8 Vidyarthis assisted by 25 member office staff. Gurupurnima , Sadhana Diwas , Universal Brotherhood day, Samarth Bharat Parva ,

Gita Jayanti were celebrated with gaiety , with good response from people. Students with attendance 1500. 23 Pariposhak &19 subscribers were enrolled. Sales of Kendra Publications along with other Publications and Novelties went up to D 990000/- Sales of project Articles went up to D 260131/Swadhyaya competitions attracted 450 children from 14 schools, 11 camps. Sampark of 19 colleges was done to get effective attendance of 100 for competitions. Personality Development Shibirs, Yuva Prerana Shibirs, Yoga Satras, Swadhyaya Vargas, Yoga Shibirs got very good Response. Total 30 Participants attended Sthanik and Prant KPS. 37 joined as Alpkalin Karyakarta and two Poornakalin Karyakarta. Anaupacharik Shiksha Manch is running 123 Balwadis with 2455 children Attended by 237 Balsevikas, 17 supporting staff members. Balmela was participated by 960 children. 15 Anandalayas are attended by 598children and supervised by 16 Acharyas. Alpakalin programme were attended by 759children in 28 camps. Project Swasthya Seva Manch organized 78 Medical Camps for 2547 patients. 50 operations were conducted. Health Awareness camp was attended by 6000 in 20 camps. Medicines worth D 156856 /were issued. Mahila Jagran Shibir of Mahila Manch was responded by 197 participants in 11 camps. Three vocational camps were attended by 27 participants Yuva Manch programs like Pariksha de Haste Haste, Parasuram Kund mela, Programs for youth attracted good attention of youth.

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Sanskritik Manch celebrated Shivpuja , Saraswatipuja ,cards for festivals ,indigenous faith day in huge gathering of people. Training for Balsevikas was organized for 37 participants. One new Book Vijay Hi Vijay was published this year. 28 colleges participated in programme Vijay Hi Vijay with 571 students & 254 Karyakartas. Donation collected were D.1883201/Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture Guwahati- Assam Objective - To bring forth the unique attributes of the North-East and nourish the commonalities. Activities - Organisation of Seminars, Workshops, Documentation, projects, lecture series, study circle and a reference library. Locations - 1. Guwahati HQ 2. Arunachal Pradesh Chapter at Itanagar. 3. Delhi chapter at Delhi. Guwahati A three-day seminar on the topic “Traditional Systems - Change and Continuity amongst Monpas” was organized by VKIC Arunachal Pradesh Chapter in collaboration with the Monyul Socio–Cultural Development Society, Mon region, Tawang from 30 July - 1 August 2010. The Hon'ble Chief Minister, Arunachal Pradesh, Late Shri Dorjee Khandu, inaugurated it. Panel discussions on important issues saw a wonderful interaction of knowledgeable elders from villages, Buddhist monks, educated elites and youth. Shri A Balakrishnanji, Vice P r e s i d e n t , Vi v e k a n a n d a K e n d r a Kanyakumari as the Guest of Honour and Shri Tsona Gontse Rinpoche, Hon'ble

Chairman, Dept. of Karmic and Adhyatma Affairs [DOKAA] presided.

Delhi Chapter Delhi Chapter organized a talk on 'Social and Cultural Continuum in India with Special Focus on the North East' by distinguished scholar Prof.BB Kumar who is Member, Research Council, VKIC, and Chief Editor of VKIC's journal 'Quest' on 16 May, 2010 at Vivekananda International Foundation. Shri MP Bezbaruah, IAS, [Retd.] Former Secretary, Tourism, Govt. of India, was the Chief Guest. HH Sri Sri Jayendra Saraswati Swami, the Peethadipati of Kanchi visited Guwahati. VKIC organised his Interaction with Sattradhikars and Bodo Intellectuals on 6 May 2010 at Balaji Mandir Complex, Guwahati. Rabha Documentation Project The final phase of the Rabha Documentation Project was completed. The meeting of the Advisory Committee of Rabha Documentation Project was held on 28 July 2010 at the auditorium of Janamandir at Dudhnoi, of Goalpara district. Sri Prakash Rabha presided the meeting. Seventh Vedanta Vachaspati Radhan Nath Phukan Memorial Biennial Lecture organized -on 22March 2011. The Guest Speaker, Prof. Mrinal Miri, Former Vice Chancellor, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong and Member, Research Advisory Council, VKIC, spoke on the topic 'The Spiritual and the Moral'. Land Policy of Assam – A Perspective The series was triggered by Rajkumar Ajit Narayan Singha, the direct descendant of the last Ahom king of Assam, writer of

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repute and an eminent social activist. The talk was organized on 25th July 2010, (Gurupurnima )at the VKIC complex in Guwahati. He spoke on Land Policy of Assam – a Perspective... Sri A Balakrishnanji, Vice-President, Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari was the Chief Guest. Total seven lectures were delivered by distinguished and eminent personalities & environmentalist. Sanskriti Anveshak – Inter-Disciplinary Forum “ On-going Series on 'Land Policy and Land Revenue System of Assam'. Sanskriti Anveshak at Arya Vidyapith College In collaboration with the A n t h ro p o l o g y D e p a r t m e n t , A r y a Vidyapith College, the VKIC organized an interactive talk “Glimpses of Ethno Archaeological Treasures of Assam” by Dr. Pradip Sharma, former Director, Research Council, VKIC, Guwahati . Kum. Meera, Prant Sanghatak and Kum. N. Sujatha, Secretary, VKIC, visited Imphal from 26-29, September 2010 with the objective to understand and appreciate the situation in Manipur and reflect on how best Vivekananda Kendra can serve meaningfully towards the same, An Ad--hoc organizing Committee headed by Shri Thong Jam Haridas Singh, Padmashri, as Chairman was constituted. Fourteen people attended a 10-day introductory course, Yoga for Holistic Living held in November 2010 16 January, 2011 saw the 148 Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Swami Vivekananda. VKIC and the Vivekananda Kendra Guwahati branch organized Kutumbakam - a one–day family Retreat–and Gita Jayanti . Library with the new addition of 562 books in the year, the total number of books is now 5587.

Suresh Chandra Rajkhowa Memorial Research Section A function was organized at the VKIC to dedicate a Research Section of the VKIC's Reference Library in memory of Prof Suresh Chandra Rajkhowa, eminent educationist of Assam, at the VKIC C o m p l e x . P ro f . A . C . B h a g a v a t h i renowned academician and former Vice Chancellor, Rajiv Gandhi University, gave an illuminating talk on Inter-Community Relationship in North East India Publications released during the year The Heritage of Kamakhya on the Nilachala Hill The Satras Institution of Assam Golden Vine of Ri Hynniewtrep by Sumar Sing Sawian - Living in Harmony- Second Impression - This is the reprint of the Sixth Vedanta Vachaspati Radha Nath Phukan Memorial Biennial Lecture delivered by Swami Mitranandaji, Director, Chinmaya Yuva Kendra in 2006. Cost: D.20/VKIC Foundation Day was held on 31 January, 2011at Guwahati. The latest issue of VKIC's research-based journal, Quest –India's Freedom Movement – Role of the Northeast (Vol. IV No. 2) was released on this occasion. The Vol. IV No. 1 & 2 issue of VKIC's research-based journal, Quest was released. The focal theme is on Underlying Bonds of Unity. & –India's Freedom Movement – Role of the Northeast New Director, Research Advisory Council VKIC bid farewell to Dr. Pradip Sharma on 30 August 2010. Prof. Dinesh Chandra Baroowa, Former Registrar, Gauhati University took over as the Director, Research Advisory Council in February 2011.

Yuva bharati - 38 - October 2011

Vivekanada international foundation Objective - Initiative for harmony betweencivilization through dialogue and discussions. Activities Organizing conferences, seminars and study circles Locations New Delhi Inaugurated on 1 Dec 2009 with the goal of creating a premier, non-partisan institute to debate, to deliberate, and engage with issues concerning our national interests so as to permeate policy interventions. More activities are planned in the coming days and emphasis is constantly given on quality research. Analyze India's external and internal security environment to offer inputs for shaping policies and response strategies. Offer policy alterations to contain rising extremism caused by India's socio-ethnic disparities. Interact with civil society and offer institutional support for exchange of ideas among conflicting groups. Series of activities and initiatives were undertaken to achieve Vivekananda International Foundation's objective to become a thought leader on national interest issues and to promote nationalistic values. VIF has initiated research in the following areas of strategic and security interests Chinese Strategic Weapons Development – Implications and Options for India Envisioning India's Military Strategy – 2020 Missile Warfare Capability as C&K – Efficacy of Government Funding in Combating Terrorism Ore Component of India's National Security and Military Strategies

Seminar on 'The Great Himalayan Watershed: Water issues impacting IndiaPerspectives & Challenges'- The seminar was organized in association with The Foundation for Non-violent Action. Speakers at the seminar were Claude Arpi, a French author and Tibetologist, Ashok Jaitly, Distinguished Fellow and Director, Water Resources Division, TERI and Abhinaba Chakravarti of Pragna, an NGO. The aspects of regional water and environmental issues were discussed. Coinciding with the commemoration of Vijay Divas, VIF held a day-long seminar on “Recent Developments in J&K and Response Options”. An array of distinguished personalities from diverse areas of governance, and the media participated. These included Shri Jagmohan and Shri G.C. Saxena, former Governors, J&K who chaired the sessions. The prominent speakers were Shri Muzaffar Baig MP (PDP), Shri Vijay Kapoor (former Lt governor, Delhi and Chief Secretary, J&K), Dr. Sudhir Bloeria (former Chief Secretary, J&K), Shri Ajit Doval (Director VIF and former Director IB), Lt Gen (retd) Nirbhay Sharma (former GOC 15 Corps), Dr. Ashok Bhan (former DGP, J&K) and Mr. Nitin Gokhale (Senior Editor, NDTV). VIF hosted a 3 day seminar on "How deep are the Roots of Indian Civilization? An Archaeological and Historical Perspective" organized jointly with Draupadi Trust, Archaeological Survey of India & Indian Archaeological Society of India. Gen N C Vij, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM (Rtd) Vice Chairman, National Disaster Management Authority of India gave a power point presentation on the topic “India's Need, capacities & challenges of Managing National Disasters-Both Natural & Man-made”. Mr Jagmohan, the former Governor of

Yuva bharati - 39 - October 2011

J&K gave an impassioned talk on Civilizational Imperatives and India's Nation Building. He defined civilization as the manifestation of the intellectual, cultural, social and moral attainments of a community. He then evaluated India's Civilizational development in these terms. Very pertinently he asked- when the freedom struggle had thrown up a large number of stalwarts and great leaders why is it that we have failed to produce great thinkers and reformers in the postindependence era? Talk on India's Role in Emerging Paradigms by Man. Parameshwarnji President Vivekananda Kendra. Joint Programs Lt Gen (Retd) A. S. Kalkat gave a lecture in commemoration of Field Marshal SHFJ Manekshaw 96th Birth Anniversary at VIF on “Challenges to India's Internal Security'' . A delegation of intellectuals and prominent citizens from Manipur, led by Col(Rtd) H Bhuban Singh (former state minister and member of State Public Service Commission, visited VIF and had an intensive interaction with the Director, selected Distinguished Fellows and other members of the Foundation. They highlighted the intense suffering of the people of Manipur who were reeling under an economic blockade. Vivekananda Kendra -- Vedic Vision

Hero of Youth

"Let us proclaim to every soul..- Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached. Arise, Awake from hypnotism of this weakness. None is really weak; the soul is infinites, Omnipotent and omniscient. Stand up, assert yourself, proclaim the GOD within you, do not deny him! Too much of inactivity, too much of weakness, too much of hypnotism, has been & is upon our race. O ye mordent Hindus, dehypnotize yourselves. The way to do that is found in your own sacred books. Teach yourself, teach everyone his real nature, call upon the sleeping sound and see how it awakes. Power will come, glory will come, goodness will come, and purity will come, Everything that is excellent will come when this sleeping soul is roused to Self-conscious activity.-Ay, If there is anything in the Gita that I like, it is these verses, coming out strong as the very gist, the very essence, of Krishana's teaching "He who sees the supreme Lord dwelling alike in all beings, the Imperishable in the things that perish, he sees indeed. For seeing the Lord as the same, everywhere present, he does not destroy the self by the self, and thus he goes to the highest goal." --Swami Vivekananda

Foundation KODUNGALLUR (Kerala) Objective: Creating a network of thinkers and scholars of Vedic studies. Conducting research on Vedic knowledge and supporting Vedic scholars. Dissemination of Vedic knowledge in order to promote the practice of Vedic truths in families. Activities: Publications, Yoga and Pranayama Courses, Personality Development Camps, Celebrations,

Satsanga and Spiritual Discourses Personality Development classes were conducted for the students in two groups where 25 children participated in each group. Prizes were presented in Valedictory function by chief guest Susri Bharati & respected Nivedita Didi , All India Vice president Vivekananda Kendra Celebrations of Independence Day, Onam (with distribution of food packets). Shri

Yuva bharati - 40 - October 2011

Krishnajanmashtami and Republic Day, Navratri and BAL Divas was celebrated. Samarth Bharat Parva & Universal Brother-hood day was celebrated with Recitation competitions & quiz programme. Prof Shri Vijay Mohan was chief guest for prize distribution. A soul filling cultural programmes organized in 13th November 2010 in collaboration with International centre for Kudiattam. Renowned artist Smt Margi Sati kept the audience spellbound. Vivekananda Kendra -- UTKAL SEVA PRAKALP Kendujar Odisha Objective: To motivate rural people to adhere to and nurture the cherished values of our Sanatana Dharma Activities: To promote social, economic, cultural and spiritual advancement of the masses living in rural and tribal regions of Orissa by - 1) Helping the individuals to develop themselves completely and 2) Providing sap for healthy growth of associative village communities. Project is monitored by 80 karyakartas including two Jeevanvratis, two Sevavratis, one Chhatravasi, Three local karyakartas, Sixty six Acharyas, Four supervisors, two supporting staff. Project is operating at two Karyasthans and thirty three Prakalp Sthan Thirty three Anandalayas working with total attendance of 970 students. Acharya shibir was attended by 66 Acharyas. Fifteen meetings held for discussing the awareness among the parents. Total attendance was 240 parents. 41 youths attended youth Shibirs. Two medical camps were conducted with Attendance of 409 patients. One Health awareness camp was held.

CELEBRATIONS Sadhana Diwas, Gita Jayanti, Samarth Bharat Parva, Swami Vivekananda Jayanti, Gurupurnima and Universal Brother hood Days were celebrated with good attendance. Enrollment of 20 Pariposhak &14 for subscription were made. Sales of Kendra and other Publications went up to Rs 10400/Swadhyaya competition held at school, college with attendance reaching 350 students. Total 8 Shibirs, Yuva Prerana and Pariksha De Haste Haste were conducted with 400 participants Swadhyaya, yoga, Sanskar Vargas were attended by 450 participants. Sthanik KPS was organized with joining of 3 Alpkalin Karyakarta. Vivekananda Kendra PRASHIKSHAN VA SEVA PRAKALP Pimplad Nashik Maharashtra Objective: Training of workers for Kendra and service activities for the locals Activities: Camps, Balwadis, Health Center and boys' hostel Project site at backward areas of Maharashtra is managed by one Jeevanvrati, one Shiksharti, along with one Vanaprasti. Total 7 member staff is also looking after the work. Seven Balwadis with 196 children are looked after by 7 Balsevikas. Training camp for Balsevikas was organized with 11 participants and for Swasthya Rakshaks with 25 participating Women awareness camps – One camp organized with 112 participants Celebrations Shiva Pooja - 1 with 48 attendances, 13 Deep Pujas with 956 attending, Raksha

Yuva bharati - 41 - October 2011

Bandhan with 5000 attending Seven medical camps were attended by 296 patients, 29- Swasthya Rakshaks (Arogya Rakshaks) worked for the camps. Prakalp Activities are as mentioned below 1) Anandalayas – 09 attendances – 22 2) Nrutya Mahotsava -01 with165- Attn. from 3 villages 3) Bhajan Utsav -01 attends -268. 4) Shram Sanskar Shibir-07 no's Attended by 1568 5) Chhatra Sanman-01 attended by 75 students and parents' . 6) Vivek Ashram - 39 boys, 04 Girls 7)Rojgar Mudat Yojna - 03 Machines, 02 Cows. 8) 2400 Solar Lights Distributed Shibirs Sanskar Varga Shibir -02 No's attended by -203. Maharishi Dhyan -01 Participated by 62. Mahindra & Mahindra -01 with 220 Participants Vocational Training Camp (Electrical) a)03 No's attended by 110 b) welding course -01 with 11 c) Soldering - 01 with Participants -24 d) English Speaking - 01 attended by 42 students

e)Chitralekha participants

-01 attended by 42

Yuva Prerana Shibir -01 organized with 31 Participants Sanskar Shibir-01 with 39participants. Adhyatma Shibir -02 with attendance -92. Sanskar Varga Prashikshan shibir -01 attended by 48 . Yoga Shibir -01 attended by Programme for Youths: Yuva Varga – 01with participants -20 Shiv Jayanti - 01 attendance of 45 persons Training for Baal Sevikas & Swasthya Rakshaks through Yashwantrao Open University Certificate Course. Balsevikas 07, Swasthya Rakshaks - 09 attended the training. Vivekananda Kendra -Research Foundation Objective: - Medical services Activities: - Vivekananda Kendra (NRL) Hospital - Treatment through modern technology and medical camps in 13 villages regularly. The Vivekananda Kendra Medical and Research Foundation Trust is mainly focusing its activities in the northeast. Its activities are carried out in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh at present. These are as follows – Medical

Yuva bharati - 42 - October 2011

Vivekananda Kendra is running different activities for the tea garden laborers in Dibrugarh District and once in two months there is medical health check up camp especially for the children with the help of local doctors. Beside medical activities Kendra conducts Yoga Camps for the total personality development. In VK NRL hospital one full time Yoga teacher is working for this purpose. JOGEN BASUMATARY MEMORIAL VIVEKANANDA KENDRA HOSPITAL, SUKLAI, ASSAM This is the new project of Vivekananda Kendra undertaken to serve the Bodo people through medical activities. It is a Public Private Participation project in collaboration with Govt of Assam & National Health Rural Mission. Vivekananda Kendra is managing the day to day needs of the hospital. This hospital was inaugurated on 23 June 2010 .It is a thirty bed Hospital which has started only some services till now could expand to take up fully fledged services .Following facilities are available -Pathology Laboratory, 500 Ma X-Ray, Operation Theater, Casualty Department, Blood Bank, Maternity Department, ICU, Generator set, etc. Activity Report Out Patients -20568, Indoor Patients - 97, Mobile Camps Patients -1031, Grand Total -21696. Free Medical Camps were organized at B E TA G A O N , B A N G A L I PA R A & UPARKHUTI where 400 patients were treated.

VIVEKANANDA KENDRA P R AT I S H T H A N TRUST -Kanyakumari Vivekananda Kendra Pratishthan work is carried out through -- branch centers all over India and with --- Poornakalin Karyakartas. The main purpose of this trust is to select, train, and deploy full time dedicated Sevavratis / Shikshartis and Vanaprasti Karyakartas to run all the service activities and projects of Vivekananda Kendra. The trust also maintains the daily needs of the dedicated workers including their medical, food and travelling expenses. It also takes care of the training part of Poornakalin Karyakartas including Jeevanvrati, Shikshartis, Sevavratis, Vanaprastis & their placement in various branch centers and giving specific responsibilities. Shibirs conducted by Vivekananda Kendra Pratishthan Trust 1) Varistha Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibir – 10 day shibir for 40 Karyakartas from 7 states . 2) Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibir – 62 Participants from 5 states for 15 day shibir 3) Sanskara Varga Prashikshan Shibir – 328 children from 6 States for 7 day shibir. 4) Kendra Diksha Shibir – 10 Shikshartis, 7 Day shibir for ( Jeevanvrati Diksha) Details of Patrons Total no of Patrons -- (149985) 1. Annual donating - 1605 Patrons Renewal 5400 (Total: 32237) 2. Lump Sum Donation - 7655 Patrons Renewal 914 (Total: 113189) 3. Perpetual Donation - 125 Renewal 70 (Total:4559) Patrons

Yuva bharati - 43 - October 2011

Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan Trust Objective: -To spread noble thoughts of Swami Vivekananda through healthy literature to inspire youth with his message. Activities: -Publications in English, Tamil, Telegu Location:-- Chennai, Chennai unit of VKPT is working with two sthanik Karyakarta and 14 member staff team. Regular Activity – Publication of three Magazines. Production and sales of publications, diaries, calendars and pictures. It published value-based books and journals to generate awareness among the general public about our country's perennial culture and traditions, which are being slowly eroded by vested interests. They highlight the life and message of our great savants, achievements, past and present and inspire the readers to contribute their share for nation building activities. The following journals are published, Subscriptions as follows 1. Yuva Bharati – 8169 Kendra Patrika – 643 3300 2. Vivekananda 3. Viveka Vani –

1.Dances of India 2. Shivaji in stories 3. Pilgrims centers of India 4.Indian womanhood through the Ages 5. Temples of India Viveksudha - a thoughtful quarterly Gujarati magazine is published by Kendra's Gujarat Prant. Earlier "Viveksudha" was published by Palitana Branch is now shifted to Rajkot Branch. Now, "Viveksudha" is published with four colour cover pages and entire gate-up is also changed as per the requirement of time. Selection of articles are also changed and combination of Cultural, Religious, Patriotic, currant topics etc are included in every issue. At present total subscriber of "Viveksudha" is 836. Last few issues are like this : Exam special issue, Shaurya Visheshank, Rashtra Aradhana Visheshank etc. HINDI PRAKASHAN VIBHAGJODHPUR Prakashan Vibhag is managed by Total 12 member staff including one Vanaprasti, 10 Sthanik Karyakartas. Kendra Bharati (Monthly) Subscribers – 1382 Collection of Advertisement - D 185000/Books Newly Published – 1 no Books reprinted – 2 no's D i a r i e s P r i n t e d - 3 9 2 6 Sales of Diaries to the Branch Centres – D 2945/Diaries sold to others – 980 Sales of Books - D 427871/Sales of Diaries (D.) – 216472/- Talks/ Seminars -- 2 no's Public Programme -- 2 no's camps for the Staff -- one Motivation

Publications - Sales - D - 3197575. 72 /Novelties Pictures From Advertiment D - 859163.68 /D - 200228.49 /D - 1088300.00 /-

30 books reprinted with total copies 185760 nos. 14 new books printed copies - 161976 nos Five New Editions - copies - 24800 nos Novelties like Panels, Table stands, SV Panels, Badges etc. -no's 70000 + Vivekananda KendraPatrika Reprinted:-

Baithaks - 2 no's Donation for Printing --

Yuva bharati - 44 - October 2011

D- 311392 /General Donation – D 10900/Samvardhak & vishesh samvardhak –10 New Publications - 1. Savarkar in Light of Swami Vivekananda 2. Karma yoga by shri Mukundlalji Re- Publications - 1. Patthar me Prakate Pran 2. Dainik Jeevanme Gita 3. Bacchonke Swamiji

Translations - 1.Vivekananda Charitra 2. Bhagini Nivedita by smt Padhye Hindi Prakashan will receive a grant of Rs 20000/- pm for next one year from Madhya Pradesh Govt.

Yuva bharati - 45 - October 2011

Spirit behind the Vivekananda Rock Memorial & Vivekananda Kendra

Yuva bharati - 46 - October 2011

Shradhanjali We pay Tribute & Condole the demise of our well wishers & long time associates Acharya Mahaprajna – Jain Saint 1. Sri M. Gopinath – General Body Member of Vivekananda Kendra 2. Sri Vinayak Rao Limaye - Kendra Karya Karta, one of the originators of Vivek Vichar and an author of many books from Pune. 3. Padma Shri Nanaji Deshmukh – Renowned Social Worker, Chitrakoot 4. Sri Subash Bagaria – Close associate of Kendra & donor from Tezpur. 5. Sri Ganga Prasad Birla – Industrialist & Philanthropist Kolkata. 6. Sri Satyananda Saraswati, a spiritual leader. 7. Sri Jai Gopal Garodia – Philanthropist 8.75 CRPF men at Dantewada who were killed by Maoists. 9. Sri Bhairon Singh Shekhawat – Former Vice-President of India 10. Sri Shankar Shastri – RSS Pracharak in Keral during formation stage of Vivekananda Rock Memorial. He initiated VK Nagpur branch work. A source of great strength to all Karyakartas 11. Sri Yan Tikhak – An intellectual belonging to Tikhak community of Arunachal Pradesh and Kendra well wisher 12. Sri Ram Shankar Agnihotri – Chairman, Hindustan Samachar 13. Prof. Shivajirao Bonsale – Samrakshak, Vijay Poorna Vijay, Maharasthra Prant. Well known speaker on Sri Aurobindo, Swami Vivekananda. 14. Shri T.V. Anandan, Kochi – General Body member of Vivekananda Kendra 15. Shri Ramesh Chandra Gupta Vivekananda Kendra Delhi Vibhag Sanchalak, Delhi 16. Shri Tulasiram – A well wisher from Nagercoil who gave his lot of books for Kanyakumari library. Also, he composed Bhagavad Gita in Tamil.

17. Shri Kalyan Chrakraborty – He was Kendra Jeevanvrati and worked in NorthEast and Nagadandi Ashram. He had later joined monastic order. 18. Smt. Alpana Sarode – She was Kendra Jeevanvrati and worked in Mumbai, Gwalior. 19. Kum. Mukta Meich – She was Kendra Jeevanvrati and worked in Assam 20. Shri R. Gopala Krishna -General Body member and Vanaprasti Karyakarta of Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari. 21. Shri Tage Diibo- General Secretary, Indigenous Faith & Cultural Society of Aruanchal Pradesh. Well wisher of Kendra 22. Shri Indreshwar Deori – Prant Sanchalak, Assam Prant 23. Shri K.K. Narayanan – Jeevanvrati Karyakarta of 1979 batch who worked in Dibrugarh was later working as Principal at Tawang in a school run by Arunachali People. 24. Shri Bhola Ram Das – He was the Chairman of VK Guwahati for some years and gave good start for the Kendra work in North East in general and Guwahati in special 25. Shri Bhimsen Joshi – The noted singer of Hindustani Classical music 26. Shri Shripad Nabar – Former Chairman – Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari – Nagar Pune 27. Smt. Savita Dangargaonkar - Former Vice-Chairman – Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari – Nagar Pune 28. Smt. Mrinalini Phalanikar – Kendra well wisher, Gokhale Nagar, Pune 29. Shri Rajiv Dixit – An associate of Swami Ramdev Baba and promoter of Azadi Bachao Andolan 30.Shri Gajanan Kale – Kendra well wisher 31.Shri Purushottamanandaji – A very senior monk of Chinmaya Mission 32.Shri Venkatraman - Kendra well wisher who supported Kendra work in Somwar Peth, Pune.

Yuva bharati - 47 - October 2011

The longest night seems to be passing away, the sorest trouble seems to be coming to an end at last, the seeming corpse appears to be awaking and a voice is coming to us –away back where history and even tradition fails to peep into the gloom of the past, coming down from there, reflected as it were from peak to peak of the infinite Himalaya of knowledge, and of love and of work, India, this motherland of ours –a voice is coming unto us, gentle, firm, and yet unmistakable in its utterances, and is gaining volume as days pass by, and behold, the sleeper is awakening! Like a breeze from the Himalayas, it is bringing life into the almost dead bones and muscles, the lethargy is passing away, and only the blind cannot see, or the perverted will not see, that she is awakening, this motherland of ours, from her deep long sleep. None can resist her any more; never is she going to sleep any more; no outward powers can hold her back any more.

Further details: E-mail: [email protected] / Fax: 04652-247177 / Phone: 247012 Vivekananda Kendra, Vivekanandapuram, Kanyakumari - 629 702

Yuva bharati - 48 - October 2011

Wake up Bharat! Enlighten the world!! 150 Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda


and unleashed it to free the nation from foreign yoke. Becoming free is not the same thing as becoming and being independent. Empty idealism without practical wisdom has weakened the physical might of Bharat. Psyche of the people is casual and in-alert. Chinese attack in 1962. National humiliation and Bharat's Territory occupied even today. Lost honour and self-confidence. No leader could lift the morale. Swami Vivekananda's Birth Centenary in 1963. Year-long Centenary programmes enlivened the soul of the people and reinstated their hopes and confidence. Construction of the mighty Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanyakumari- the spiritual-nationalist lighthouse for the millions. The nation saw the rise of mighty spirit of the people. The 1998 Pokharan Atomic Blast- the grit to face the sanctions of the world. Bharat rose as a global military and geo-political power. The confident nation began huge strides in economic development. Today Bharat is emerging one of the world's three global powers besides USA and China. Yes Bharat is on the rise. But will Bharat be an aggressive power, or will it a benevolent power? Economic crisis by cultural erosion: The contemporary West is the socio-economiccultural-political model as modernity. But, its economic rise for half a century is by exhausting its cultural and civilisational assets. Communities and families, the bulwark of culture and traditions, keep the people connected to one another. Cultural decline – no family but just single parent households, live-in relations, lone individual households, unwed motherhood. Initially, this cultural decline actually promoted the economic growth. But, in US, after exhausting the cultural capital it led to high consumption and fall in

12 January 2013 to 12 January 2014

“I do not see into the future; nor do I care to see. But one vision I see clear as life before me, that the ancient mother has awakened once more, sitting on Her throne rejuvenated more glorious than ever. Proclaim Her to all the world with the voice of peace and benediction” - Swami Vivekananda Swami Vivekananda : A great disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, first Hindu missionary, patriot, nation-builder, social scientist and a master organizer. He made the nation aware of its soul-Hindu Dharma. The nation today: At a critical moment of history, Bharat is poised for an orbital jump in global status. But crisis of leadership has weakened the nation and its spirit. Beleaguered by unprecedented corruption, fledging security scenario --internal and external, uneven economic growth and more. But is Bharat as a whole corrupt? NO. Not the people of Bharat but the leadership of Bharat, political, intellectual and business, is responsible for corruption. The national current Propagation of non-conflicting ideas and practicing non-conflicting methods even in front of toughest challenges. The nation always revived from hopeless situations by the combination of spiritualism and activism like Samarth Ramdas and Chatrapathi Shivaji, Sri Krishna and Arjuna, Vidyaranya Swami and Harihara Bukka and so on. Ramakrishna-Vivekananda revived the spiritual nationalist surge. Swamiji's fiery words delivered in his lectures from Colombo to Almorah provided the philosophy for the independence movement and freedom fighters. He ignited the Youth power of Bharat

Yuva bharati - 49 - October 2011

household and national savings, landing the households in debts leading to the economic crisis. Our country is free from this vice. Families are intact because our culture is preserved. But the tendency to look to the West creates risk of cultural erosion in Bharat We need to strengthen the cultural capital of Bharat which promotes social and also financial capital. Bharat as the Jagat Guru: Hindu nation needs to look more within than at the Western world today. Our state and intellectual establishment looked to socialism for the first 40 years after freedom and global capitalism afterwards. The collapse of world's financial order, failure of economic theories of last thirty years, now a great move to search within for ideas and solutions. Spiritual nationalist thoughts of Swami Vivekananda, Maharishi Dayananada, Maharishi Aurobindo and others in that tradition inspired the birth of spiritual, social, political and nationalist movements. They have the potential and the capacity to create an alternative world view in Bharat and for global thrust. 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, most potent opportunity to rid the nation of its spiritual, intellectual, social, political and national lethargy and confusion. It is historic opportunity to galvanize might of the Hindu nationalist youth power. Bharat is the young country with maximum youth & the most ancient civilization. Today youth of Bharat is educated, well-placed, and sincere and wants to know more about our country. The service of the masses appeal to them. They are eager to respond to the call. The 150th anniversary presents a right moment to take swami Vivekananda to youth. Building strength with character to play its global role is the first and the foremost need for Bharat on the rise. Bharat, said Swami Vivekananda, will emerge as the Jagat Guru. Only a strong and vibrant Hindu Bharat can

show the way for global peace and harmony. Arnold Toynbee and Will Durant call for Bharat's rise for the good of humanity. The 150 th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda is the most appropriate occasion for India to prepare herself to rise as the JagatGuru and wake up to its potentialities and responsibilities and enlighten the world. The objectives of Celebrations 1. To give the universal message of Bharat of Oneness, respect of diversity and immortality of soul in the words of Swami Vivekananda to as many as possible 2. To get karyakartas 3. To go one step upward – where indifference, create receptivity for the work; where there is receptivity, acquire strength; and where strong work exists, make it more effective. 4. To spread the work in the areas not entered till date Focus of the year-long celebration: Hence the theme for the 150 t h Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda is appropriately named as “Wake up Bharat! Enlighten the World!!” “Bharat Jago! Vishwa Jagao!!” Accordingly “Panchamukhi”-fivepronged programmes are proposed for discussions to achieve the goal. The five segments of the society with thrust of social harmony I.Yuva: We have to awaken the dormant massive youth power (focusing on student and non-student youth below 40 years age) II.Social and thought Leaders: Mould the thinking style of our educated and intellectual class III.Villagers: Strengthen and raise the confidence level of the millions of masses in our society particularly focusing on those living in villages, which are the bulwark of this nation from time immemorial,

Yuva bharati - 50 - October 2011

IV.Women: Increase the role and space of women in all walks of life V.Janajatis: Respect, Preserve, protect and promote indigenous faith and culture of all Janjatis. The immediate work before us 1.To search and associate right persons For that to reach out to as many youths as possible through various programs college competitions, Simhanad and Vijay hi Vijay as started by Vivekananda Kendra in some states, Appeals in these coming one half years to be undertaken to interested youth 2. To list out organisations For this purpose, at first, we have proposed to prepare two Directories: Hindu spiritual and service organizations in Bharat, and Organizations/Institutions named after Swami Vivekananda 3.Generation and sale of Swami Vivekananda's literature: Complete works of Swami Vivekananda is available in most of the Bharateeya and foreign languages. It is felt that on the eve of the Swami Vivekananda Sardh Shati Samaroh, few more publications on and of Swamiji are required to be published taking into consideration of the present situation prevailing in the country. Therefore, the need of the hour is to “Wake up Bharat! Enlighten the World!!” through the medium of good literature by publishing 150 relevant titles. Welcome to Kanyakumari: Stay at Vivekanandapuram

Vivekanandapuram offers clean living - luxurious to affordable - accommodation for over 1000 persons at a time at reasonable charges. The details are as follows: A.C. Cottages with double bedded rooms D. 2000 + 12.5% tax Additional Person: D.200 Affordable Accommodation Vegetarian canteen / Free Bus service Bank, / Dispensary/ Close to Sunrise beach /Book shop Handicraft shop Advance Reservation: Please inform us in well advance with day's rent as deposit by Money Order/Demand Draft for assured booking. For cancellation, give us 48 hours prior notice to avoid forfeiture of your deposit. Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of "Vivekananda Kendra" payable at State Bank of India, Vivekanandapuram (Branch code no. 3780). Cheques are not accepted. Extension of Stay: A maximum of 3 days is permitted at a time. In case you wish to extend your stay, please contact the Campus-in-charge. He may help you subject to availability of rooms. A day is reckoned as of 24 hours from time of check-in, and in case of advance reservation it is from 12:00 h Own A Room Scheme (free stay for 30days in a year for next 20years)

CONTACT Campus-in-charge VivekanandaKendra,Vivekanandapuram Kanyakumari-629702 Phone:+91-(0)4652-246250 Fax:+91-(0)4652-247177 email:rooms[at]vkendra.org Yuva bharati - 51 - October 2011

Download PDF: October 2011.pdf

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