
  • A garland of explosives around the country’s neck

    The short-sighted political leadership at the national level right from the time of India’s independence, has been following such unimaginative and myopic politics both at the domestic and the foreign fronts that now Bharat is faced with extremely difficult issues of vital importance. The overwhelming victory of the Maosists in Nepal is an ominous sign. Leadership of political parties of whatever hue may wholeheartedly or halfheartedly welcome the election results, because democracy based on ... Read more

  • A​ananda Yatra

    I had been to Assam in the month of May ​20​17 and my long cherished wish of visiting Aa​nandalayas run by Vivekananda Kendra in the tea gardens of Assam was fulfilled with the help of Sushri Meera, Prant Sangathak, Assam Prant. ​​With the help of Meera didi, Binoti didi, Samparka Pramukh, Assam Prant, ​Kum. ​Rita Guwala, Vistar Pramukh, Duliaban; Umeshda Tossa, Vistar Pramukh, Moriani. I could visit Devashali, Duliaban Aanandalayas in Dibrugarh​ district and​ Gabhoru in Moriani district... Read more

  • अभूतपूर्व स्वागत

    जैसे-जैसे स्वामी विवेकानंद का जहाज भारत के पास पहुँचता जा रहा था, दक्षिण भारत के अनेक शहरों में लोग अभूतपूर्व सम्मान के साथ स्वामी विवेकानंद का स्वागत करने और उनके स्वागत व आभार के उदबोधन प्रस्तुत करने की तैयारियां कर रहे थे। उनके एक गुरु-बंधु, स्वामी निरंजनानंद, उनका स्वागत करने के लिए सीलोन आए थे; अन्य लोग मार्ग में थे। उनके बहुप्रतीक्षित आगमन को लेकर पूरे देश में अत्यंत आनंद का माहौल था। स्वागत समितियों में विभिन्न धार्मिक समुदायों और सामाजिक संगठनों के प्रतिनिधि सम्मिलित थे। स्वामी विवेका... Read more

  • भारत माता जगत गुरू

    आज पूरे देश में गुरु पूर्णिमा मनाई जा रही है। भारतीय अध्यात्म में गुरु का बहुत महत्व है और बचपन से ही हर माता पिता अपने बच्चे को गुरु का सम्मान करने का संस्कार इस तरह देते हैं कि वह उसे कभी भूल ही नहीं सकता। किन्तु प्रश्न तो यह है कि गुरू कौन है ?   दरअसल सांसरिक विषयों का ज्ञान देने वाला शिक्षक होता है पर जो तत्व ज्ञान से अवगत कराये उसे ही गुरु कहा जाता है। यह तत्वज्ञान श्रीगीता में वर्णित है। इस ज्ञान को अध्ययन या श्रवण कर प्राप्त किया जा सकता है। अब सवाल यह है कि अगर कोई हमें श्रीग... Read more

  • Evergreen Reminiscences of a Mahapurusha

    To record my reminiscences about His Holiness Swami Ranganathananda is like undertaking a pilgrimage through the sacred shrines of the Himalayan Mountains. I am privileged to be allowed to go on this pilgrimage. The word pilgrimage occurred to me while thinking about the Swami, because of a special reason. The title he has given to his two-volume publication about the Memoirs of his travel across the globe is A Pilgrim Looks at the World. The Swami, who was the accredited but unofficial ... Read more

  • Four Purusharthas

    Everybody accepts that the total development of man should cover all the four dimensions, viz., Sharira, Mana, Buddhi, and Atma. The westerners and materialists also accept this. But then where is the difference in our acceptance and theirs? When we consider body is to be developed, it is not merely physically but also mentally and intellectually. We should not think, “Why should I care for the body? Caring for it is materialistic. There are many who starve or mortify themselves beyond li... Read more

  • From Joy to the Task Ahead

    Swami Vivekananda was given a rousing, unprecedented welcome by the people of India. But the one who was welcomed had a great task ahead. Swamiji saw the accomplishments in the West as the beginning of the work in the East. Even the people who welcomed him knew to some extent that it was not just the triumphant return of Swami Vivekananda but it was also the beginning of the great task ahead. To India, the whole episode of expedition of Swami Vivekananda in the West was like an insight, ... Read more

  • Gita - The Perfect Script

    The Bhagavat Gita is the perfect script for the beautiful “drama of human transformation” – transformation from the most miserable plight to the most glorious consummation. Arjuna is the hero in this drama. Lord Krishna the scriptwriter has in his own masterly manner leads Arjuna by the hand from a situation of abject cowardice to the high stage of a victorious conqueror. Arjuna is only incidental. All of us are Arjunas in the battlefield of Kurushetra which our life actually is. We come r... Read more

  • Gita The Text Forever

    Justice S N Srivastava of the Allahabad High Court caused a flutter recently by asking the Bhagavad Gita to be declared the ‘Rashtriya Dharma Shastra’. The so-called secular camp was confounded. How could a religious book be made a national text? That too, a book of Hindus! ‘So-called’ secularist - because for them secularism means not equal respect to all religions and appreciation of all that from each religion which is good for humanity but for them secularism means denial of all that is H... Read more

  • Gurupurnima: For Cultural Continuity

    Utsavas – festivals are for continuation of tradition, for expressing the joy of life, strengthening the collectives like family, community, society, nation and for expressing the gratitude towards the creation. India is full of various festivals. The characteristic of our festivals is that no festival is without pooja. No festival is just for merry-making though in every festival we do enjoy. The festivals are to make us relevant in time as well as to continue our tradition. That is what mad... Read more

  • Hearts Beat to Same Spiritual Tune!

    How India saw Swami Vivekananda on his return to India, how she adored him, addressed him and viewed his work in West can be seen from the various welcome-addresses given to him. These welcome addresses were not just the formal greetings but the heart-pouring of Indians. Though Swami Vivekananda was addressed variously the feeling was same and the fullness of heart total. Though the words varied from ‘the great-souled one’ to ‘brother’ as the people of Calcutta addressed him, the acknowle... Read more

  • ईश्वरप्रित्यार्थम

    महर्षि वेद व्यास की जयंती अनंतकाल हमारे देश में गुरुपूर्णिमा के रूप में मनाई जाती है। उनका संपूर्ण जीवन वेद और वैदिक परंपराओं को व्यवस्थित करने और उसे निरंतरता और उद्येश्यपूर्ण बनाने में लगा था । उन्होने वेदों के माध्यम से विश्व के कल्याण के लिए ‘एकात्मकता’ का संदेश दिया, जो भौतिकवाद और व्यक्तिवाद के कारण जीवन से असंबद्ध होगया था। वेदों का यह  ‘एकात्मकता’ का  संदेश मानवता के विकास के लिए अत्यंत आवश्यक है। यह ईश्वरीय कार्य है। जो हम भारतीय ही कर सकते है  किन्तु हम लंबे समय तक पराधीनता और कुसंस... Read more

  • Isvaraprityartham

    The Gurupoornima for this year is on 12 July. Gurupoornima is an occasion to remind ourselves that we are doing the work of Isvara – ‘Isvaraprityartham’. The Jayanti of Maharishi Veda Vyasa is celebrated since time immemorial in our country as Gurupoornima. His whole life was to organize the Vedas and our Vedic heritage in such a way that its continuity and purposefulness is maintained. The message of Oneness given by Vedas is essential for the well-being of the world which is getting dis... Read more

  • माननिय एकनाथजी रानडे के साथ भेंटवार्ता विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी

    विवेकानन्द केन्द्र एक सेवा संगठन है। इस संगठन का प्रथम कार्यक्रम था कन्याकुमारी में समुद्रवेष्टित विवेकानन्द शिला पर स्वाामी विवेकानन्द का एक भव्य स्मारक खड़ा करना। सन् 1970 में, स्मारक निर्माण के इस प्राथमिक कार्यक्रम के सम्पन्न होने के पश्चात् , द्वितीय चरण अर्थात् विवेकानन्द केन्द्र का कार्य आरम्भ हुआ। इस कार्य की वैचारिक पृष्ठ-भूमिका, उद्देश्य और कार्य-प्रणाली की संक्षिप्त जानकारी अन्दर के पृष्ठों पर प्रश्नोत्तरी के रूप में दी गई है। ये प्रश्नोत्तर केन्द्र के अध्यक्ष, श्री एकनाथजी रानडे,... Read more

  • Omkara: The Guru

    This month brings the solemn Utsava of Gurupoornima. Traditionally Ashadhi Poornima is celebrated as Gurupoornima because Sri Veda Vyasa was born on this day. It was Veda Vyasa who by establishing the Guru - Parampara protected the Vedic knowledge. Sanatana Dharma based on the Vedic vision is the life center of Bharat. Thus, this work of Veda Vyasa was a great work in the protection of the nation and its ethos. This is the day when we worship our Guru, offer ourselves for the work of Guru, t... Read more

  • On His way to India

    (Preparations are afoot in the country to celebrate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. We are starting a new series of article which chronicles the details of his return to India and his message ) With great love for India and glorious vision for her Swami Vivekananda had left for USA. He struggled and succeeded in participating in Parliament of Religions in 1893. His call to West for spirituality was also a call for India to realize that that was Her mission, her purpo... Read more

  • Oneness in practice: “Serve man Serve God”

    Swami Vivekananda on his return to India, in his very first lecture reminded India that it was the message of Oneness that she had to give to the world. For that she would have to prepare herself. But how the Oneness is manifested in life? Not by just chanting of Vedas but by feeling for all those who are suffering and are in need of help. Unfortunately, the degradation that had come in the society due to various invasions was such that this Oneness was almost missing in the lives of those ve... Read more

  • Oneness: The Message of India

    Swami Vivekananda had the unique advantage of knowing the East as well as the West. He had experienced Samadhi at the feet of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa who personified the spiritual sadhana of man through ages. Swamiji had the best of Western education, had digested all the philosophies including the theology of Christianity. Not only the knowledge but he also got intimately acquainted with the people both learned and uneducated, highly placed and humble folks in India and also in West. Th... Read more

  • Birth of Sita Devi and The Story of Shiva's Bow

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  • Dasaratha's Court Shall We Make Sri Rama The Prince - Regent

    Twelve years had passed Sri Rama with his consort Sita reached Ayodhya (Valmiki R/5/33/17). Dasaratha found old age catching up with him. He wanted to make Sri Rama the Prince-Regent. Sri Rama's popularity with the masses, his competence to occupy the throne of Ayodhya, the unanimous support of the ministers, purohits and other courtiers, influenced Dasaratha's decision to go ahead with the installation of Sri Rama. However, he called a session of his courtiers and vassal kings (Valmiki... Read more

  • Emperor Dasaratha Prays To Sun God

    The story of the Ramayana as told by sage Valmiki goes thus: King Dasaratha was the ruler of Ayodhya, capital of Kosala Desa. The people were prosperous and virtuours. The city was truly Ayodhya (unconquerable in war). It was well endowed with Nature's bounty. Dasaratha of the Solar Dynasty, a descendant of Ikshwahu and Manu ruled the country righteously, loving the citizens as his own children. King Dasaratha had eight ministers, counsellors and two family priests Vasishtha and Vamadeva.... Read more

  • Kaikeyi's Mind Poisoned By Manthara

    Kaikeyi had a maid servant Manthara, from the Kekaya territory. She was a hunch-back. She saw the great festivities, and the generous gifts being offered by Kausalya. Kausalya's maid told Manthara of the forthcoming coronation of Sri Rama. Manthara ran to Kaikeyi's palace and broke the news. Kaikeyi's first reaction was to bestow some gifts on Manthara for the glad tidings she had brought (Valmiki R/2/7/32). But throught clever and persistent arguments, Manthara poisoned Kaikeyi's mind. "B... Read more

  • Might in The Protection of Right

    Sage Vishwamitra, Sri Rama and Lakshmana resumed their journey. The Sage told them the history of Siddhashrama where Lord Vishnu Himself stayed for practising austerities, (tapasya) and concentration of mind (yoga)before being born as Vamana for subduing the Asura King Bali. Sage Vishwamitra's own ashrama was within the territory of Siddhaashrama. All the hermits of that place gladly welcomed Vishwamitra and the two princes of radiant personality. Sri Rama now requested the Sage to comm... Read more

  • Putra-Kameshti Yagam-The Gift of Divine Payasam (Khir)

    The priests led by Sage Vasishtha and Rushyashringa conducted the Ashwamedha Yaga of which the Putrakamesthi was a part. Many kings, and the common people were invited for the great ceremony. The four Vedas were chanted. The sacrificial altars and pillers were constructed according to prescribed specifications. The standards of exactness were strictly adhered to, in timings, in the choice of materials and the procedures. Out of the sacrificial fire an extraordinary being arose. He was matchle... Read more

  • Sage Vishwamitra and The Princes

    Sri Rama's Jounery with Sage Vishwamitra was like an educational tour in a moving school. The Sage, well versed in mantras and sacred spells, taught Sri Rama and Laksmana two spells, Bala and Atibala, which would keep away fatigue, fever, hunger, or thrist and keep them energetic and vigorous. The spells would keep them ever young and render them invincible. There was the sacred Sarayu river which Vishwamitra praised. He warned Sri Rama about Tataka and other ogres and ogresses who lived a... Read more

  • Sage Vishwamitra Enters The Palace Court

    The formal phase of education of Sri Rama and his brothers was drawing to a close. Dasaratha started thinking of ssettling them as house-holders. At that time Sage Vishwamitra, known for his severe austerities, entered the royal court. The King received Vishwamitra, a king-turned-a-rajarshi and a Brahmarshi, with all due honours. Vishwamitra's life of tapasya, his great efforts, his failures and his reemergence to glorious victory are legendary. He was threatened, opposed and tempted by the D... Read more

  • Shri Rama Breaks Shiva's Bow

    Vishwamitra then requested King Janaka to show the legendary bow to Sri Rama. The mighty bow of Shiva, well decorated, was brought there on a multi-wheeled box-like vehicle pulled by a group of strong men. The bow was being worshipped by King Janaka as his forefathers did. Sage Vishwamitra signalled to Sri Rama to try his hand at the bow. Sri Rama opened he box, saw the mighty bow. He lifted it with utmost ease. He did a neat job tying the bowstring. Sri Rama held the bow in position and p... Read more

  • Sri Rama under the benign gaze of Guru Vasishtha

    The natural and inborn trails of Sri Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrughna were futher moulded by guru Vasishtha. They were modest, glorious, all-knowing and farsighted (Valmiki R/I/18/34-35). The children were attached to their studies, devoted to the service of their parents and were well versed in the science of archery. The education the children received, especially Sri Rama, from Vasishtha, was multi-streamed. Personal good conduct and character, the social norms, were all taught... Read more

  • The Four Blessed Children With Their Mothers

    In the twelfth month after the Putrakameshti Yaga (Valmiki R/I/18/8-9), Kausalya gave birth to a son on the Navami of the bright half of the month of Chaitra. The presiding star was Punarvasu. The time of birth of the child was most auspicious. Kaikeyi gave birth to a son under the star Pushya. Sumitra delivered twin sons under the ASLESHA Nakshatra. On behalf Dasaratha, Vasishtha named the eldest son RAMA. Kaikeyi's son was named Bharat. The first son of Sumitra was named Lakshmana and th... Read more

  • The Holy Wedlock

    The whole city of Mithila went into a festive mood. King Kushadwaja, the brother of Janaka, reached there with his two daughters of marriageable age, Mandavi and Shrutakirti. Kushadhwaja was the king of a neighbouring country of Sankasya, won for him by his dear brother Janaka. Dasaratha was accorded a grand welcome, befitting his sature. Sage Vasishtha then traced the glorious lineage of the bridegroom - including Prakriti, Brahma, Marichi, Kashyapa, Vivasvan, Manu, Ikshwaku, many ancient ki... Read more

  • The Parashurama Interlude

    As soon as the grand ceremony of Sita Rama marriage was over, Vishwamitra took leave, having performed his role in Sri Rama's story perfectly. He went away to resume his penance. Dasaratha and four recently weded couples started homeward jounery loaded with abundant gifts from Janaka. On the way, Sage Parushurama confronted the party, breathing fire as it were and causing flutter all round. He was born a Bramin but had a Kshatriya's temper. He challenged Sri Rama saying that the Shiva-dha... Read more

  • The Ramayana As our National Epic

    The Ramayana has been the eternal source of the inspiration to all Indians and all Centeral and South Asians. Our National Ideals, our concepts of state and good governance, our standards of interpersonal behaviour and our attitude to the world's natural flora and fauna have been influenced by the Ramayana. Our Samskirt and regional literatures bear the stamp of Ramkatha. The history of our freedom movement which was the forerunner of freedom movements everywhere, was inspired by the ideal... Read more

  • The Redemptions of Ahalya

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  • The Slaying Of Tataka

    Vishwamitra, accompanied by Sri Rama and Lakshmana, was crossing the River Ganga, when Sri Rama heard the tumultuous moise of River Sarayu rushing on to join the Ganga. The land nearby was very fertile and rich with food grains. A Yaksha woman Tataka by name, with the might of a thousand elephants, lived there. Her son Maricha was demoniac. Vishwamitra hinted that Sri Rama might have to kill the ogre-woman Tataka. Remembering his father's instruction that he should obey the Sage Vishwam... Read more

  • The Story of The Ganga

    Sage Vishwamitra led Sri Rama, Lakshmana and the other hermits to witness a Yajna in Mithila. When they came near the Ganga, Sri Rama asked the Sage about the origin of the Holy River. The Sage narrated the story of King Sagara, a forefather of Sri Rama, his cruel son Asamanja, Sagara's 60,000 sons born of a massive foetus, Asamanja's likeable son Amsuman, Sagara's Ashwamedha Yaga, Indra's act of stealing the horse, the 60,000 princes searching for the horse by digging the earth, Sage Kapi... Read more

  • The Tragic Scenes At The Gynaeceum

    King Dasaratha deployed his ministers to oversee the arrangements for Sri Rama's coronation. He then arrived at the palace of Kaikeyi, his favourite queen to share the happy news with her. But Kaikeyi had entered her sulking chamber (Krodhagara). Removing her jewels and flowers, she had thrown them on the ground to indicate her anger. The aged King saw his young wife (Valmiki R/2/10/23). He judged her mood and made all kinds of promises to appease her. Trapping him in his own assurances, K... Read more

  • Valmiki Discovers The Metre For The Ramayana

    Valmiki was deeply impressed by Ramakatha he heard. He remained absorbed in it. He then went the Tamasa river for his disciple. He saw two Krauncha birds playing with each other. A hunter hit the male bird with an arrow and killed it. The agonised female bird let out a piteous shriek. The event moved Valmiki to the core, and he, in a fit of emotion, cursed the hunter. "Maa Nishaada Pratishthaam Twam Agama : Shaashvatee Samaa : Yat Krauncha Mithunaadekam Avadhee Kaama Mohitam (Valmiki R/I/2... Read more

  • Ramo Vigrahavan Dharmah

    The month of March brings Ramnavami. In many places the Ramkatha, study of Ramayana and the celebration of Ramnavami would be taking place. That is good to some extent. Some may not even remember that Ramnavami came and left. That is not so good. What is the purpose of celebrating Ramnavami? If we understand it then we shall see that this is a festival that is to be celebrated by all irrespective of what god they worship, irrespective of their creed. By saying that Ramnavami is just a religio... Read more

  • Rashtra-Drishta Swami Vivekananda

    Swami Vivekananda on his landing in India was overwhelmed with the enthusiasm, the unprecedented welcome given to him by people of India. India was all ears to listen to him. Swami Vivekananda too had become a conduit like a Rishi to receive and proclaim the great Truth about India. The first speech that he gave at Colombo has become like a Rashtra mantra from the great Rashtra-Drishta Swami Vivekananda. His language has a charm of Vedic poetry and appeal of universality of Vedic truth. In th... Read more

  • Spiritually Oriented Service

    19 November - the birth anniversary of Mananeeya Eknathji, founder of Vivekananda Kendra, is celebrated in the Kendra as Sadhana Diwas. This day is utilized by the Kendra Karyakartas to thoroughly understand the thoughts of Eknathji about this movement and internalize the same. This is the day on which each Karyakarta takes up a specific responsibility in the Kendra Karya and all through the year puts forth his/her best efforts to fulfil it. Each citizen needs to understand the mission of our... Read more

  • “The Good for Nothing Boy” of Calcutta

    Swami Vivekananda had to reply to the welcome at Calcutta, in front of the people where he was born and grew as a boy so his tone was different. Generally though the people feel proud if a boy from there place achieves something, still seeing him in a light as a great preacher etc becomes difficult. (It seems for the expenses of welcome given to Swami Vivekananda, the people of Calcutta arranged public speech of Swami Vivekananda on payment whereas in all other places the expenses were borne ... Read more

  • The Man and his Mission

    Shri Eknath Ranade, President, Vivekananda Rock Memorial Committee and Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari, Is no more. But he lives beyond death in the inspiring, magnificent Vivekananda Rock Memorial off the Kanyakumari shore and even more in the living, growing memorial–Vivekananda Kendra–a spiritually ­oriented Service Mission, consisting of men and women, specially young men and young women, dedicated to the twin tasks of man-­making and nation-building inspired by the ideals of Swami Viveka... Read more

  • The Master Communicator

    Due to slavery of centuries, Indians had lost all the faith in themselves and were divided in many castes, regions, faiths etc. The nation had become immaterial, not ‘what connects us’ but ‘what divides us’ dominated our minds due to colonial education and British policy of ‘divide and rule’. The narrow-mindedness, possessiveness about one’s own creed was more important than the unifying principles of our culture. To lift them from this muck of selfishness and petty divisions and to take them... Read more

  • The Protector of National Mission

    Swami Vivekananda on his return to India-7 The Protector of National Mission Swami Vivekananda had faced many opponents in America. But he never publicly talked about it. While some of his friends had stood up in his defense, he had personally kept aloof from it as he followed the principle that 'a monk does not defend himself'. Swamiji’s heart was limitless where everyone a friend or a foe had a place. But while giving a talk “My Plan of Campaign” in Madras, Swami Vivekananda was very fo... Read more

  • The Work Before Us

    The Role of Vivekananda Kendra International Vivekananda Kendra International is the third step in the growth and evolution of the great mission initiated by Mananeeya Eknathji Ranade . The first was the Vivekananda Rock Memorial at Kanyakumari. The second was the work of Vivekananda Kendra at the National level. Today we are celebrating the fruition and fulfilment of the third step -- Vivekananda Kendra International. These remind us of the three long strides taken by Vishnu, 'the Triv... Read more

  • Unprecedented Welcome

    As the ship of Swami Vivekananda was nearing India, in many cities of the South India, people were getting ready to receive Swami Vivekananda with unprecedented honour and to offer him addresses of welcome and gratitude. Swami Niranjanananda, one of his brother-disciples, had come to Ceylon to receive him; others were on the way. There was a great excitement in the country over his long awaited arrival. Representatives of various religious sects and social bodies had joined the reception ... Read more

  • Upanishads and the ideal of Service

    The Upanishadic Ideal of service is based on the concepts of Truth, Dharma and Yajna. Without comprehending these three concepts we cannot understand what we have come to recognise as service today – the most appealing and popular component of modern religions. Let us, therefore, first understand them. Discovering the Satyam Thousands of years ago, when humanity was still in a state of slumber, the super scientists of India, the Vedic rishis, were engaged in the knotty task of uncovering ... Read more

  • Valmiki

    Valmiki Maharshi the Adikavi himself was a proof of the efficacy of Ramanama in purifying human souls. He was originally Ratnakara, a forest-hunter robbing travellers to earn his livelihood. Narada awakened his conscience by making him understand that his kith and kin who partook of his wealth earned by looting, would not take any share of his sins. Narada Muni initiated him into Ramanama saying that the Taraka Mantra would save him. The illiterate Ratnakara could not even pronounce the lett... Read more

  • Valmiki and Narada

    A long time elapsed. Then Narada called on Valmiki, now a totally transfomred man. Valmiki enquired his Guru of a person of great heroism, physical beauty, excellence of character and knowledge, compassion and courage, in short, a DHARMA VIGRAHA. Narada Muni told Valmiki,"Such an ideal person of great earthly and divine virtues does exist and he is Sri Rama, the scion of the race of Ikshvakus and Manu and the son of Dasaratha." Narada then told his eager disciple the story of Sri Rama in p... Read more

  • Wake Up Bharat ! Enlighten the World !

    In the last two centuries, no other individual has captured the hearts of the youth of Bharat, the way Swami Vivekananda did. He blew energy into Bharat which was indulging in self-loathe. He exhorted people of Bharat with his words “This is the ancient land, where wisdom made its home before it went into any other country… Here is the same India whose soil has been trodden by the feet of the greatest sages that ever lived… Look back, therefore, as far as you can, drink deep of the eternal fo... Read more

  • तवैव कार्यार्थं इह उपजाता:। We are born here to do Your work

    The purpose of Bharat is to help humanity to evolve Since the Vedic times, we see that the Rishis of Bharat had the well being of the whole world at their heart and that is why the prayers in Vedas are not individualistic but are always for the good of all and about what we are supposed to do for the good of the whole world. So whether it is the celebrated Gayatri Mantra where it is said that ‘let our intellect be awakened (धीयो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ) to see that One which is effulgent and perv... Read more

  • Welcome to the New Year

    India is a land of rich diversity. It has diverse communities, ways of worship, festivals, foods, languages, etc. Let anything in human life be named, and India has it in as many diverse ways as one could think of. Even the beginning of the year, that is, the New Year, is diverse. Different regions, communities, have different day as the New Year.   In this month of April we welcome the New Year. Yugadi - the New Year as celebrated in states like Maharashtra, Karnataka or Andhra Pradesh w... Read more

  • Woman herself is a source of power, no one can empower her

    Nivedita Raghunath Bhide, 58, set out from Wardha at the age of 19 with a determination to serve the society. She is the vice-president of Swami Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari, and was chosen for Padma Shri (though from Maharashtra, she has been nominated from Tamil Nadu) this year to honour her social contributions. Humble and hard-working, she says the announcement 'made her uneasy'; since the work carried out by the Kendra is 'the contribution of all the members and singling out one perso... Read more

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